Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bandettes founded by Mary Wilson. His passion, vision, wise an inspiration for me. Amazed with her

Dreams come true .... yes, join DCI tour is one of my dreams, and, finally I had the opportunity to tour the DCI in 1996., All that, solicitation Starting food distributors from Alm. Mr. iwan and Mr Bijl For help st ursula (PSUMB) who at the time was in need of a coach cg, until finally I was given the opportunity to join the DCI tour, joined the Bandettes All Girls Drum and bugle corps as a coach asistent cg .. Unforgettable food distributors memories, a lot of life lessons that I have gained over nearly food distributors 4 months, living in the land of the
, Bandettes headquartered in sault ste marie, Canada, located in the USA-Canada border. just enough across the bridge, we sdh up in michigan USA. Small town, pretty, like a small town in the movie "runaway bride". For nearly food distributors four months, food distributors we walked up and join the USA-Canada tour For DCI, almost 70persen time spent on travel. More than half of Americans, food distributors I jajahi. food distributors North east, midwest, south. Just west aja :) untouched.
I live with my foster parents family Italian descent, De Luca famliy, old-me food distributors settle in Canada. They are very warm and completely at my care. sa yes baseball food distributors will never forget, were invited to a big family dinner Italy, food is plentiful, full of amusement, such as a party in a mafia movie that I have seen :) ... Thanks a lot De Luca Famil y ...
Bandettes founded by Mary Wilson. His passion, vision, wise an inspiration for me. Amazed with her strength within to face the problem and now matter what, she never angry .. :). The house is the same house he reminds me Capt. vantrop sound of music in the film. Stately home with a lake behind his house, I often spend time enjoying the lake bengong2 pesawat2 Cesna landing place ... Awesome! (It is the first time I could be here :)). And as a Muslim satu2nya, constraints that I can issue food. Marie always memasakan menu specially for me, which is free pork. Thanks a lot Mar y:)
Pelatih2 imported from America, my coach Lora morton, alumni of the holy Cadets. First learn to spin ya drop at Lora :). As assistant food distributors Lora, I had to work hard to catch up to me, studying charts display them, memorized all choreografinya ... Tired of physical and mind, but iam very2 happy!! My task every day: leaders warming up, bantuin drill cg, learn new coreografi and transfer food distributors the material to anak2. We practice from 7 am to 11 pm everyday ...: o
Band members amounted to only 40 people, all girls. Aged between 12 to 19 years. Really fun hanging out with them, studying the nature, food distributors behavior and their culture. Like Amanda food distributors and Alicia food distributors who was 12 years old, but their behavior as a teenager 17 years .. :) Hehehehhehehe much love, grief that we experienced together, hmmm miss those moments so much.
Among the one long trip from town to town, there is one city that made me fall in love. His name Charlevoix, Canada. Small town with beautiful scenery that once, as in lukisan2. Someday I will be back .. (That's what I have in mind when you first see the city, and until the day I was to wonder back to Charlevoix org2 with my lover:) food distributors
2012 (19) August food distributors (1) January (1) May (1) April (3) In the afternoon, at my grandmother's birthday ..... Unforgettable moment WICKED ... green ... green. .. green ... March (3) February (7) January (3) 2011 (7) September (1) August (6)

"Berapa lama lagi kamu akan menolak market basket flyer merendahkan dirimu, O Amerika! Kamu telah di

This week I had a dream. It was a terribly frightening dream. In it, I saw a huge angel standing suspended in the air over New York harbor. It looked so large that it covered the night sky. His body was clad in golden armor as if he was going to war. His face and entire being were so bright that I could not gaze up at him for long. White beams of light seemed to radiate outward from him in all directions. He was standing over the Statue of Liberty. It was night, but I could hardly see the lights around him coming from New York City as he blazed so brightly with divine light.
Minggu ini saya bermimpi. Sebuah mimpi yang amat mengerikan dan menakutkan. Di dalamnya, saya melihat seorang malaikat besar berdiri di udara di atas pelabuhan New York. Hal itu kelihatan begitu besar hingga menutupi langit malam. Tubuhnya berselubungkan zirah emas seakan ia akan pergi berperang. Wajah dan seluruh tubuhnya bergitu market basket flyer bercahaya sehingga saya tak dapat tahan menatapnya untuk waktu yang lama. Pancaran cahaya putih begitu memancar dari tubuhnya ke segala arah. Ia berdiri di atas Patung Liberty. market basket flyer Itu di malam hari, namun saya hampir tak dapat melihat lampu-lampu di sekelilingnya market basket flyer datang dari kota New York karena ia begitu bersinar dengan cahaya ilahi.
He reached for his belt that was covered with a red sash around his mid section, and drew out his sword. It was so massive! It blazed with light and fire all around it. It looked at least 100 feet long! I have never felt such fear when I saw an angel before. I just knew this mighty warring spirit had authority from the very throne of God. He had a grim expression as he held this mighty sword over his head with both hands. I could see that he was poised to hit the Statue of Liberty and cleave it in two! I trembled and tried to hide, but the angel was looking directly at me, and I knew there was nowhere to go that he would not see me. Ia menyentuh ikat pinggangnya yang ditutupi selempang merah di sekitar bagian tengahnya, dan menghunuskan pedangnya. Pedangnya begitu masif! Pedang tersebut berkobar dengan cahaya dan api di seluruh bagiannya. Kelihatan setidaknya ada 30 meter panjangnya! Saya tidak pernah merasa begitu takut ketika melihat seorang malaikat sebelumnya. Saya tahu roh perang yang perkasa ini datang langsung dari Takhta Tuhan. Ia memiliki ekspresi market basket flyer wajah yang suram ketika menghunuskan pedangnya di atas kepalanya dengan kedua tangannya. Ia bersiap untuk memukul Patung Liberty dan membelahnya menjadi dua! Saya gentar dan mencoba bersembunyi, tapi malaikat tersebut menatap langsung kepada saya, dan saya tahu bahwa tidak ada satupun market basket flyer tempat market basket flyer untuk saya bersembunyi dari padanya.
“How long will you refuse to humble yourself, O America! You have been weighed in the balances of God and found wanting. Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction! 
"Berapa lama lagi kamu akan menolak market basket flyer merendahkan dirimu, O Amerika! Kamu telah ditimbang dalam timbangan Allah dan didapati ringan. Awalmu begitu agung dan luhur, namun akhirmu adalah aib dan kehancuran!
‘Time is running out. The bowls of My wrath are full of My fury and judgment. They shall be poured out upon you. You shall drink them down…to the dregs…every drop! I have come to you day and night pleading with you to return to Me for over one hundred years. I am merciful and long suffering. It brings Me no joy to judge you. But, you have hardened your hearts, scoffed at My warnings through My prophets, and my holy servants. I brought you from nothing and exalted you, O America, higher than any other nation! But now you have fallen lower than Sodom. You have sinned greater than Egypt. You have become prouder than Babylon and Persia. You have become more selfish than Rome. You have exalted yourself in your own wisdom higher than Greece. You have more idols and high places of idolatry and luxury than any Gentile kingdom in history. Your beginning was pure and great, but now the stench of your sin and filth fills My nostrils! I shall cut you in pieces and you shall reap the harvests of wrath from what you have sown! You shall no longer be the Queen of nations. Now you shall bear your shame and become the lowest of the heathen nations! Now, as Agag, you shall be hacked in pieces! O EARTH, EARTH, EARTH, HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD!” 'Waktunya sudah habis. Cawan-cawan murka-Ku telah penuh akan amarah dan penghakiman-Ku. Semua akan dicurahkan ke atasmu. Kamu harus meminumnya ... sampai pada ampasnya ... setiap tetes! Aku telah datang kepadamu siang dan malam memohon agar kamu kembali kepada-Ku selama lebih dari seratus tahun ini. Aku begitu pengasih dan panjang sabar. Hal ini tidak membuat-Ku bersukacita untuk menghakimimu. market basket flyer Namun, kamu mengeraskan hatimu, mencemooh peringatan-Ku melalui para nabi-Ku dan para hamba kudus-Ku. Aku membawamu dari tidak ada dan meninggikanmu, O Amerika, lebih tinggi daripada bangsa manapun! Namun sekarang kamu lebih re

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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my idol - my girls
Pasha started his career as a model and has appeared in several television commercials, soap operas play and joined several bands before joining Purple. Not many know that Pasha was once the second winner of the race Athan Central Sulawesi. The guy who turned out to be good at this recitation was enrolled in ABA-ABI before ben e keith foods finally deciding to quit college and choose a career in music. Makki (Bassist)
Makki was one of the founders of Purple. When he was taking a degree at Indiana University, United States, Makki enriching musical ability to play with a band called Joint Session, which besides being a roving band around the Midwest, as well as an opening band several renowned concert bands like Toad the Road Sprocket and John Mallencamn. When he returned to Jakarta in 1996, Makki was joined by Harris Ioni and several sessions in-promptu until finally forming PURPLE. Enda (Guitarist) Full Name: Franco ben e keith foods Medjaya TTL: Holy, March 4, 1978 E-mail: enda at Join the Purple: 2001
The guy who nicknamed Enda started his career as a guitar technician for the band's guitarist. When the need for a second guitarist appeared, Enda prove that he is the right person to fill that position. Law graduate of the University of Sam Ratulangi is easily recognizable with an earring under his lips. Onci (Guitarist) Full Name: Arlonsy Miraldi TTL: Palu, October 2, 1981 E-mail: Onci at Join the Purple: 2003
Onci, who previously ben e keith foods joined the Funky Corporal, is the last to join the personnel PURPLE. Known as an energetic guitarist and bermusikalitas well, Onci presence of an added value for PURPLE. Rowman (Drummer)
Prior to joining PURPLE, Rowman is a rock band drummer named Garux that could enliven the world of music in Indonesia. ben e keith foods Guys are often spelled alike Bimbim Slank was indeed greatly admired Bimbim. Be the first to like this post
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Monday, April 28, 2014

Rowman (M. Nur Rohman) Before joining PURPLE, Rowman (M. Nur Rohman

Purple is a musical group comprising Indonesia Pasha (singer), Makki (bass), Enda (guitar), Oncy (guitar), and Rowman (drums). Purple was formed in 1996. Motor constituent is Ekky (guitar) and vocalist at that time Michael, when going to a gig Purple, Pasha Van derr Krabb 'disappeared' and was replaced by Rowman. Enda who previously was the roadies Ekky also joined with Purple. market basket massachusetts In 2000, Purple began preparing their first album, which was finally released July 6, 2002 titled my song. When about to enter the studio for a second album, Ekky ruled out. Oncy who was just out of the Funky Corporal chosen to replace Ekky. The Most Beautiful second album Purple released in December 2003. Album was championed "Because He You" as the first single and "Voice of the Heart" was chosen as the second single. Released just four months, market basket massachusetts sales had reached 80,000 (eighty thousand) market basket massachusetts copies. Significant amount market basket massachusetts when compared to the first album that 'had' to get platinum (150,000 copies) in a matter of one and a half years. Personnel Profile Purple market basket massachusetts Band
Pasha (Sigit Purnomo Said Shamsuddin) Pasha (full name Sigit Purnomo SS, born Donggala, 27 November 1979, joined 1999) started his career as a model and has appeared in several television commercials, soap operas play and joined several bands before joining Purple. Not many know that Pasha was once the second winner of the race Athan Central Sulawesi. He was enrolled in ABA-ABI before finally deciding to quit college and choose a career in music.
Purple Makki (Makki O. Parikshit) Born Jakarta, October 23, 1971, joined 1996) was one of the founders of Purple. When he was taking a degree at Indiana University, United States, Makki enriching musical ability to play with a band called Joint Session, which besides being a roving band around the Midwest. When he returned to Jakarta in 1996, Makki was joined by Harris market basket massachusetts Ioni and several sessions in-promptu until finally forming PURPLE.
Enda (Franco Medjaya Kusuma) Enda (Franco Medjaya Kusuma's full name, was born of the Holy, March 4, 1978, joined 2001) began his career as a guitar technician for the band's guitarist. When the need for a second guitarist appeared, Enda prove that he is the right person to fill that position. Law graduate of the University of Sam Ratulangi is easily recognizable with an earring under his lips.
Oncy (Arlonsy Miraldi) Oncy (Arlonsy Miraldi full name, birth Hammer, October 2, 1981, joined 2003), who had previously joined the Funky Corporal, is the last to join the personnel PURPLE. Known as an energetic guitarist and bermusikalitas well, Oncy presence of an added value for PURPLE. On October 25, 2011 Onci Endhita married to a celebrity. On 10 November 2012 a woman is endowed Onci Kaines Kayra Adriana.
Rowman (M. Nur Rohman) Before joining PURPLE, Rowman (M. Nur Rohman's full name, birth Jakarta, January 9, 1974, joined market basket massachusetts 2001) is the drummer for rock band named Garux that could enliven the world of music in Indonesia. Rowman often spelled alike Bimbim Slank was indeed greatly admired Bimbim. Rowman marry Rica on April 1, 2006. Currently they have been blessed with 2 children, Rekha and Ramy Jinan Rahmania Aulia. Complete set of album Purple Band Album: My song (2002) 1. Shadow Pseudo 2. If It MemangTerbaik 3. Free From Issues 4. Dew Heart 5. Brighter 6. Sepi Restless 7. 8 Do not waste it. Forgive 9. Sirna 10. Said Nothing 11. Acts 12. my song
Album: The Most Beautiful market basket massachusetts (2003) 1. Between Us 2. Due Him You 3. Only Love 4. Rasa Sayang 5. Conscience 6. Him and Love 7. Hopefully (Oncy) 8. Try Tuk Discover 9. Understand 10. World Crying 11. Love My love 12. place 13 Most Beautiful. Conscience
Album: Drift (2005) 1. Float 2. As The Past 3. Sake Time 4. Give Love 5. Promise 6. Languages market basket massachusetts Of The Heart 7. Choices I'm Not Your Heart 8. Needless Need 9. Purple (Not Repeated) 10. Creature For me 11. Kissing FIRST 12. probably far
Album: For You Forever (2007) 1. I Came To Love 2. For You Forever 3. Secret Love 4. Not Me 5. Allow I 6. Stories Bersamamu 7. Meaning Of Love 8. 9 Beautiful You. Awaited The Time 10. Love Songs 11. singer Streets 12. Love in the Heart
Album: Lord of the Heart (2009) 1. 2 I am your love. Dilemma of Love 3. Empty My Heart (Pop Version DD) 4. Want Me Forever 5. Give Me Time 6. You Know 7. Indonesiaku 8. Which FIRST 9. Luka Here 10 . the Light In, Secret 11. storm Now Passed 12. Rulers My Heart
Album: The Story of the Heart 1000 (2010) & nbs

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Attack in Central African Republic kills 22, Pendahuluan Chiefs, MSF staff - Bangui (Reuters) - At

Generally Malaysians are aware of two government agencies, the Department of Civil Defence Commission (civil defense) and Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) play a very big country in terms of property and rescue russo watertown safety of the public.
If unfolded historically, Civil Defence or Civil Defence existed since the era of the Second World War. While the role is that of providing aid and assistance in all aspects such as fire fighting, medical help early, transfer of war crimes, treating wounded soldiers and others.
After the post-independence Malaysia, tasks and roles are submerged. However, the Civil Defence is still relevant to this day as they were dashing under its own Public Defender.
In recent Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department is a large, under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (ministry), a member of the public power, a lot of machinery and logistics and distribution of an extensive operation, than civil defense.
Currently, the country has been noted that the two agencies are also links to MERS 999 system, the Malaysian Emergency Response System as well as the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) and the hospital.
In a sense, it is a very noble and admirable as they come and was at the scene with the sole purpose of which is to provide assistance in accordance with their skills and their respective jurisdictions. russo watertown
But from another perspective, civil defense and fire seem to have overlapping responsibilities and roles. There are also some operations that involve russo watertown both agencies led to some crisis that resulted in human relations the two sides become closer and cold.
We as people think, it is a loss if they each blame each other if there is an issue that involves aspects of the rescue team. This is especially when in the process of helping save the victims of misfortune.
It is time for the government to review the role or function of each. Or maybe we should take a lesson from the example of our neighboring countries, namely Singapore, which has combined the nation's russo watertown leading aid agencies under a body.
No one feels if Malaysia can also take steps to incorporate civil defense transformation and Fire Rescue Malaysia as an entity that is more robust, cohesive, competent and highly skilled in all aspects.
This will be seen as a two-pronged, namely empowering officers and members of the department through the sharing of knowledge and skills, as well as to increase assets and existing logistics. russo watertown Costs can also focus on government budgets under one agency / department only savior.
Maybe we can suggest here, aid agencies combined are known as the Civil Defence Forces Rescue and Fire Commission (APPAKEM) or Malaysian Civil Defence and Rescue russo watertown FireBrigade (MRCDF).
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How Much Longer Will Donald Sterling disgrace the NBA? - [Image: Sterling] [image: Feed-tw] [image: Feed-fb] The trash talk and on-court chippiness everyone knew would mark the ongoing NBA playoffs series between ...
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Why a 1956 Plane Crash Site in the Grand Canyon russo watertown Was Named a Landmark - [image: Why a 1956 Plane Crash Site in the Grand Canyon Was Named a Landmark] In 1956 two Planes collided over the Arizona desert, killing all 128 people ...
Ukraine crisis: pro-Russian rebels free one Observer, keep seven - The self-Appointed mayor of Slaviansk displayed eight Detained russo watertown members of a European military observer mission and later released one for health Reasons.
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Attack in Central African Republic kills 22, Pendahuluan Chiefs, MSF staff - Bangui (Reuters) - At least 22 people, Pendahuluan 15 local Chiefs and three local members of

Saturday, April 26, 2014

More than half the state

MINNESOTA is a state of the United States t&t gunnery to -32. The state entered the union on May 11, 1858. Region's name is derived from the name of the Minnesota River, the Dakota language. Minnesota commonly abbreviated MN or Minn., is the largest state, based on the area in the Midwest, and is located in the subregions, known as the Upper Midwest. Metropolitan area incorporates two most populated city, the capital MINNEPOLIS and Saint Paul, also a suburban area.
More than half the state's population live there. Nicknames for Minnesota Adala 'Land of 10 thousand t&t gunnery lake' (Land of Thousand Lakes 10). The state is a major food-producing t&t gunnery in the United States and has several natural t&t gunnery resources.
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Username Revision Date Comment 1 April 9, 2014 - 00:29 NanaArianto Render style: Interweave Context

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Username Revision Date Comment 1 April 9, 2014 - 00:29 NanaArianto Render style: Interweave Context Side by side: Whole page 1 section 2 sections 10 sections H istory: r1 You are here: UMWiki> Cuisine Web> WebTopicList> Diet> Weight> Holiday > Technology> Spring (April 9, 2014, NanaArianto)
"The work of the Committee on Agriculture, including reauthorizing the Farm Bill in 2012, affecting all Americans, ensuring sysoon that our farmers and ranchers have the tools they need to produce food is plentiful and affordable Recipes and supply sysoon of fiber is important for our country as national defense." - Rep. Frank D. Lucas (Oklahoma) Every five years we get a new farm bill from Congress, but what the farm bill? Read a quick refresher here. Unfortunately, sysoon the 2012 farm bill never made it through the House. The farm bill should include many different elements, sysoon including food stamps (along with SNAP - supplemental sysoon nutrition program) and legislators could not agree on funding so the bill expired in September 2012. Currently, the 2008 bill chugging along until the deadline sysoon date of 30 September 2013, and by extension, the overall sysoon new bill needs written as automatic spending cuts begin. Seeds of Change Recipe crop insurance and weather is variable uncertainty that hangs on farmers this time of year. Drought taking a big toll on agriculture and farmers, officials and economists have a right to be concerned. We are almost a year later from the worst drought in 25 years. The main crops of concern are corn and soybeans in the Corn Belt dominant Midwest. These plants are used to feed livestock, sysoon so the higher price of corn and soybeans are directly related to the high price of meat and milk. Farmers are looking towards the lawmakers to pass a new farm bill that will incorporate conservation programs, research and assistance with crop risks. Mouth Feed The Supplemental Nutrition Education Program (or SNAP) is a resource for struggling households. It provides a source of food and nutrition education to families in need. The Food Research and Action Center compiled a list of ways to strengthen the program: Increasing the minimum benefit for older Americans, adjusting SNAP benefits in a timely manner to account for inflation, and promoting increased access to nutritious food for low-income American Recipes will include the those in urban areas ("food deserts"), with the ability to arm farmers market EBT. Community organizations through Share Our Strength (Local sysoon Matters, is an example of Columbus, Ohio, an organization that educates low-income families). Some urban farmers markets have the option to "double value produces benefits" where people can use their EBT card to buy 5 pounds of product, but receive 10 pounds worth. The farm bill covers a lot of ground from field to fork, affects us all. The overall objective of the farm bill is to make a plan for our nation's farmers and in turn this will provide a safe and nutritious food for Americans. Nutritional labeling is getting a make-over and it is about time. It was announced a few weeks ago by the Food and Drug Administration and the White House that we rely on food labels can be improved. Two areas highlighted are the total calories per serving and number of servings per package. It will be printed on the package in a larger font size so that they will be easily visible to consumers. Other changes include additional information about sugar, potassium and vitamin D. Fat is not rectified in health sciences to all the fat - such as thought in the past - just the type of fat, and thus the "calories from fat" line will be removed. In its place will be on the line "% trans fats." Trans fats have shown an association with heart disease, and there is a movement to get them removed from all processed foods. Protection of food and medicine Recipes we started in 1820 when 11 physicians joined to form

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spectra cysco bicycle trailer steel - 1499 kr

Here is a price list of bike trailers for children cysco can be bought in Sweden 2014-02-28. I thought it good to know where the price is about. But I can not promise that it is the lowest price that is on my list. Low prices are good but it is important to have good quality too.
Spectra cysco bicycle trailer steel - 1499 kr
GT Quick N Lite - 2495 kr EXTREME bicycle trailer ALU M Damp - 2495 kr Merida Kombivagn - 2500 kr Bicycle cysco wagon KIDZ CAB 3-in-1 - cysco 2795 kr Sunbee Supreme - BLACK / BLUE - 2996 kr Merida cysco bicycle trailer two children - 2999 kr Burley Bee - cysco 3195 kr Rex Bicycle trailer for 2 children - 3495 kr Burley Honey Bee - trollkarran.e- 3690 SEK M-Wave - Bicycle trailer / Jogging Trolley - 3819 kr Spectra bicycle trailer alu - 3900 kr Monz Bluebird - 4049 kr Bellelli B Taxis - 4495 kr Kranich, cysco Subdued - 4859 kr Burley Encore - cysco 4 995 kr
Thule Chariot Cougar 2 - 8495 kr
Should you have a bike trailer for one child or a bicycle trailer for 2 children. Should you have a bike trailer with many sole esser, how to choose cysco a bicycle trailer? A purchase of a bicycle trailer is often a purchase for a few years of use.
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Sunday, April 20, 2014

He got decently paid for his life-sized bet: to drive Lehman Brothers, guy cranswick one of America

When too much is not enough
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He got decently paid for his life-sized bet: to drive Lehman Brothers, guy cranswick one of America's guy cranswick largest guy cranswick investment banks, went bankrupt. Which in turn led to the worst financial crisis since the Depression guy cranswick of the 30's - who made millions jobless and homeless.
Over the last eight years, guy cranswick when both he as president and the bank came nearer the abyss, he took out the corresponding three billion Swedish kronor in compensation. It gets a salary of more than a million dollars a day, all year.
He and wife were crowded into a 16-room apartment on Park Avenue with five fireplaces, had a full house on Long Island with eight bathrooms and another on an island guy cranswick off Florida guy cranswick which cost 80 million crowns. And another one in Idaho, where he also owned the property for $ 170 million.
In an attempt to lighten the mood, I suggest that we can borrow Stig's boat and row across to the other side where there are usually black trumpet guy cranswick mushrooms in a certain guy cranswick place. If we are lucky, we may see a moose.
Read more Also you can conquer the emptiness of the job when death comes to the job The hellish ideal state, it takes time to be so good it could be It was just a cynic, I thought Most read Maud Olofsson and the large KU ljuget Nuon affair What KD has done for the family? Municipal
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Saturday, April 19, 2014

TRE is a high-profile lecture series, which for four years has been an annual feature at several un

Jan Jörnmark was first out when lunch lecture series The Reflecting Engineer kicked off on March 25. The well-known lecturer and author spoke about the global development of densely populated cities.
Chalmers Students for Sustainability (CSS) arranges again The Reflecting Engineer (TRE), a lecture series where students have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on issues maitred touching technology, sustainability and ethics. CSS is a non-profit organization under the Chalmers Student Union in order to advocate education, collaboration and action for sustainable development.
TRE is a high-profile lecture series, which for four years has been an annual feature at several universities in Sweden. The lectures are held in English on the Chalmers campus and includes a 40 minute presentation followed maitred by a 20 minute maitred discussion. Lectures usually have over 100 listeners and CSS offers free lunch to the first 100.
The vision of TRE is to give students a chance to reflect on the problems that affect technology, sustainability maitred and ethics. The arrangements will work to provide a broader knowledge maitred by demonstrating successful examples of how sustainability is integrated into the company.
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I do not believe a thing that any cream could reduce wrinkles and nourish the skin in depth. Neither the "natural" or "unnatural". It is only the outermost affiliated company layer of skin, which can be influenced from outside.
I grease almost NEVER in my body with creams. My pores CAN NOT be "clogged". Yet Flame my skin up if I try natural products. I also go often to bed without rubbing in the face.
My mother is an actress (currently retired, 74 years), she has made up with SUPER THICK and covering make-up on almost affiliated company every night between the years 1958-2003! For most of those years she painted her with Max Factor Pan Stick (called then Pan Stik). My mom has always had amazing skin! And it still has
I anointed by the way, never in my stomach with some oil during the first pregnancy and have used Weleda oil only 4 nights during this pregnancy! (Is now in 9th month). Though I "handled me so bad" affiliated company regarding lubrication, I have no trace of stretch marks on my body! Neither from my first and this pregnancy. My mom got also no stretch marks. Hereditary also this hudfenomen!
The only way to nourish the skin (under affiliated company the outermost layer), is to ensure that you get in the vitamins, minerals, the right fats, antioxidants and water. And to ensure that the circulation works fine.
These findings have implications for pharmaceutical researchers and cosmetic companies That design skin creams with nanoparticles That are supposed to transport ingredients to the deeper layers of the skin.
The scientists used a technique called laser scanning confocal microscopy to examine Whether fluorescently-tagged polystyrene beads, ranging in size from 20 to 200 nanometers, were absorbed into the skin.
They found thateven When The skin sample had been partially compromised by stripping the outer layers with adhesive tape, the nanoparticles fired Penetrate the skin's outer layer, known as the stratum corneum.
Professor Richard Guy from the University's Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, who suffered the study, said: "Previous studies have REACHED Conflicting Conclusions over Whether nanoparticles can Penetrate the skin or not.
"Using confocal microscopy has allowed us to unambiguously visualize and Objectively Assess what happens to nanoparticles on an uneven skin surface. Whereas EARLIER work has suggested nanoparticles That Appear to Penetrate the Skin, Our results Indicate That They May in fact have simply been deposited into a deep crease within the skin sample.
"So, while an unsuspecting consumer May draw the pullout That nanoparticles affiliated company In Their skin creams, are 'carrying' an active ingredient deep into the skin, our research shows this is patently not the case."
The results of the work, published in the Journal of Controlled Release, suggest That it might be possible to design a new type of nanoparticle-based drug formulation That can be applied to the skin and give controlled release affiliated company of a drug over a long period of Time.
This would enable sustained delivery of the active drug, Potentially Reducing the frequency with Which the patient wouldhave to apply the formulation to the skin. Tags: organic, Skin Care, skin, cream
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Friday, April 18, 2014

In this example, were is the subjunctive form of the verb, expressing a hypothetical situation;

v40: vore | words from sweden
I’d like to finish off talking about verbs with a couple of strange verbs that you might come across. The first relates to my earlier discussion about modality. Specifically, I want to talk about the subjunctive mood, which is about possibility. It’s related to the optative mood, which is about expressing a wish. As I mentioned earlier, in English and Swedish, grammatical mood is usually expressed with modal verbs. In other languages however shontell mcclain (for example, Romance languages such as Italian, Spanish, Portugese and French) there are specific subjunctive forms of the main verb. This is much less common in Germanic languages, but there is at least one good example of the subjunctive in both English and Swedish.
In this example, were is the subjunctive form of the verb, expressing a hypothetical situation; “I were” is otherwise ungrammatical. I think the above construction is pretty widely acceptable, shontell mcclain but what do you think of the following alternatives:
In Swedish, the common example is the verb vore , the subjunctive of vara , to be , which has a somewhat broader range of use than the English equivalent, expressing hypotheticals and also politeness forms. Note that alternative expressions exist also in Swedish:
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v41: fingo | words from sweden
An odd one this week. Do you even think fingo is a real Swedish word? It doesn’t look Swedish, and you can test this by searching for *ingo in Norstedts. The results are bingo , dingo , and flamingo , all clearly loan words. A search for fingo in online resources finds no hits, except for Norstedts , which returns the entry for the auxiliary verb få , with no mention of fingo . What’s going on here?
Fingo is an old Swedish word, apparently too old to appear in online dictionaries. Back in those old days, Swedish had a plural form of the verb in its various tenses. Remember that I said Modern Swedish dates from 1526, and Late Modern Swedish from 1732, so how old is too old? Surprisingly, only the early 1900s, according glazers distributing to Holmes glazers distributing and Hinchliffe , and even as late as 1945 in more formal writing. That doesn’t seem so long ago to me. See the reference for a more complete discussion, but here are a couple of examples you might want to look out for, particularly if reading religious texts (which fit into the more formal category). The first person plural imperative ends in -om , and the second person plural imperative in -en/n :
Tre trallande jäntor Där gingo tre jäntor i solen på vägen vid Lindane Le, de svängde, de svepte med kjolen, de trallade, alla de tre. Och gingo i takt som soldater och sedan så valsade de, och “Udden är så later” de trallade, alla de tre. Men när som de kommo till kröken av vägen vid Lindane glazers distributing Le, de ropade alla: “Hör göken!” sen skvätte och tystnade de. Och tego så tyst som de döda och rodnade, glazers distributing alla de tre. Men varföre blevo de röda och varföre tystnade de? Jo! Det stod tre studenter vid grinden, och därför så tystnade de och blevo så röda om kinden, de trallande jäntorna glazers distributing tre. Det stod tre studenter vid kröken och flinade, alla de tre, och härmde och skreko: “Hör göken!” och alla så trallade de.
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

At this writing, over 2,500 people have died in the Philippines after the strongest storm measured

Two minutes into his speech broke down Naderev volan za pc Sano. He had just witnessed the typhoon Bopha - so far the strongest of its kind, with devastating effects on the Philippine island of Mindanao. He could not help that, for a moment, go beyond its role as a balanced climate negotiators.
In last week announced the World Meteorological Organization, WMO, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere last year reached a new record and that carbon dioxide levels are now 41 percent higher than in pre-industrial times and that 2013 was the date the seventh warmest year ever. A year ago, the World Bank warned that we are heading towards a four-point heating the end of the century if business-as-usual continues as now.
And last week expressed Yvo de Boer, former head of the UN Climate Convention, the acute state in the strongest possible terms: "The only way for an agreement in 2015 to be able to keep the two degree target is to shut down the entire global volan za pc economy."
At this writing, over 2,500 people have died in the Philippines after the strongest storm measured over the country - Haiyan - pulled in over 44 of the country's 80 provinces. Nearly volan za pc 12 million people, more than a tenth of the population, have been affected. The UN estimates that 800,000 people are homeless. Behind the numbers are real people with lives, dreams, hopes.
The risk is of course that Cop19 become yet another negotiation that runs out of steam, and the Philippines soon torn apart again by an even stronger storm, loaded with excess energy from the heated oceans.
Philippine volan za pc climate volan za pc negotiator Naderev Sano, whose family volan za pc suffered Haiyan announced at this year's Cop-meeting that he will go on hunger strike during the negotiations until meaningful emissions reductions has begun.
From this year's climate volan za pc summit volan za pc he writes, with palpable anger: "We refuse to accept that escape from storms, evacuation volan za pc of our families, the suffering of devastation and misery and accreditation of our dead becomes our new way of life. We simply refuse. " volan za pc
It becomes suspicious when you link to an article that describes some of the truth. What is interesting is that the Greenland ice overall is decreasing, and in an increasing volan za pc tempo.
One more time: Which of these articles claim that land ice in Greenland, overall increases? I can not see it when I read the summaries.
My question volan za pc remains. Which of the three articles claiming volan za pc that the ice sheet in Greenland increases overall? Such a sensational conclusion should be in the summary. .............. It's weird if you do not know that the ice in the Arctic reduces volan za pc the surface area and volume. This is why the interest in oljeutvining and new shipping lanes in the Arctic increases. Look at real data, especially under the heading "Trend says more than a single year" volan za pc
"If you are forced want a quick so watch the top chart in the above link." But the chart shows only numbers in September Maad? It shows well just that it gets colder in the fall?
Daily Mail is making a grave error when you just compare this year's measured value last year, and beat up this big. While hiding the annual from 1980, showing a dramatically shrinking ice cap. It is not possible to draw any conclusions based on two years of measurements. It is journalism at really low level.
It is not the Daily Mail that come to this. If you actually read the article you will see that it is the NASA-funded National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) which developed specifications. It is strange how you cling to delusions-
The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts That had planned to sail it havebeen volan za pc left ice-bound and a cruiseship Attempting the route was forced to turn back.
Some eminent scientists now believe volan za pc the world is heading for a period of cooling thatwill not end until the middle of this century - a process That would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading.
The disclosure comes 11 months after The Mail on Sunday triggered intense political and scientific debate by revealing That global warming has 'paused' since the beginning of 1997 - an event That the computer models used by climate experts failed to predict.
The pause - Which has now been accepted as real by every major climate research center - is important, Because The models' predictions of ever-increasing global tempera tures not have made many of the world's economies volan za pc divert billions of pounds into 'Green' Measures to counter climate change program.
The from continuing furore Caused by The Mail on Sunday's revelations - Which will now be amplified by the return

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Richard wrote: High resolution united states cold storage material sounds better than CD. Now of co

Dell Latitude 6420 win8 via foobar uPnP wirelessly to the wd tv live, optical to Sony STR-DA5300ES via Supra Ply 2.0 runs Aura / Vifa hembyggen.
Rooni wrote: I would really appreciate a suggestion for a dac to my Meridian 506 CD player. Meridian is a heavy and solid 18 bit player with a nice sled and now I seek a dac to the Sounds of the bad?
Meridian 506 has a built-in state-of-the-art DAC anno 2000, so much the better united states cold storage has not DACs become. Meridian 506 has dual 24-bit Delta / Sigma DACs and an output buffer in Class A. And it is around that level, we are still on to get the most out of the CD medium. Does it sound better? Replace speakers, acoustics adapt the room, change amplifiers, united states cold storage but I doubt the need for a new DAC. Separate DACs use it mainly united states cold storage to render the files played from computer / networked, one has a CD player that you use that already has a good built-in DAC, it feels extremely united states cold storage pointless to buy another one! That's rather the drive train or the laser that turns into trouble when they put the .... edited. Now I saw that the Meridian 506 must have existed in several versions, thread creator seems to have an older model with 18-bit united states cold storage DAC which he is writing. Yes, it's not state-of-the-art but suffice probably well too.
It may well be that it simply needed digital inputs for other sources .. But as Xeizo writes united states cold storage (love the avatar ..) so hang enough united states cold storage DAC Meridian player with pretty good today. There is much else that needs to be done, not least in the room, before a DAC is an affordable upgrade. I've tried the Rega dac: one at home and of course it has raised united states cold storage to the skies but compared to the built-in dac: why my Denon receivers so .. maybe there is some small difference united states cold storage but ... TS might start by checking about abstinence and borrow a DAC, any, and examine the differences?
xeizo wrote: Meridian 506 has a built-in state-of-the-art DAC anno 2000, so much the better has not DACs become. Meridian 506 has dual 24-bit Delta / Sigma DACs and an output buffer in Class A. And it is around that level, we are still on to get the most out of the CD medium. Does it sound better? Replace speakers, acoustics adapt the room, change amplifiers, but I doubt the need for a new DAC. Separate DACs use it mainly to render the files played from computer / networked, one has a CD player that you use that already has a good built-in DAC, it feels extremely pointless to buy another one! That's rather the drive train or the laser that turns into trouble when they put the .... edited. Now I saw that the Meridian 506 must have existed in several versions, thread creator seems to have an older model with 18-bit DAC which he is writing. Yes, it's not state-of-the-art but suffice probably well too. Disagree. Modern Dacar has improved. Try a Audiolab m-dac to view. High resolution material sounds better than CD. But you need a streamer to fix.
Richard wrote: High resolution united states cold storage material sounds better than CD. Now of course redbook iofs "Resolution" but do you have the urge to tell us how you arrived at your claim? Did you try the files I linked to? / Peter
Thanks for all the responses, I see that there are some different opinions about the new dacarna have something to contribute or not. I am on the same line as the Night Lord of the newer Sabre dacarna should be able to hold a 18 bit Meridian a lot. All that remains united states cold storage is to find the most affordable dace with Sabre. Had not the Oppo 105 been so expensive it had been the most natural choice.
Check ebay, there are pre-built China-DACs from approx. $ 300 ES9018 who have, they shall have a known China brand so from approx. 6-700 $ (Yuolong, united states cold storage X-Matrix, etc.) If you buy separate components and solder yourself, you can get the parts for the DAC card for around 350Kr, then you need a USB card, transformer, box and connections. Then the question of the ES9018 is really the miracle united states cold storage cure that lifts everything ...
Piotr wrote: Richard wrote: High resolution material sounds united states cold storage better than CD. Now of course redbook iofs "Resolution" but do you have the urge to tell us how you arrived at your claim? united states cold storage Did you try the files I linked to? / Peter I would hardly call redbook standard for high resolution. united states cold storage The difference from a good tape recorder in the studio is great.
BPM wrote: It may well be that it simply needed digital inputs for other sources .. But as Xeizo writes (love the avatar ..) so hang enough DAC Meridian player with pretty good today. There is much else that needs to be done, not least in the room, before a DAC is an affordable upgrade. I've tried the Rega dac: one at home and of course it has raised united states cold storage to the skies but compared to the built-in dac: why my Denon receivers so .. maybe there is some small difference but ... TS might start by checking about abstinence and borrow a DAC, any, and examine the differences? Get a better advantage than denon

New in the Forum Share cheaper sailboat with us! Otter 560 AR | Bå Moorings - a rare comm

First up were the U.S., now follow the rest of the world behind. Stand up paddling, SUP, is the world's fastest growing paddle sport. SUP is what it sounds like, that man standing paddling a surf board model bigger with a enbladig paddle. The Swedish company Point 65 Sweden has developed the world's first separable SUP boards.
- SUP is crazy fun, but board is unwieldy to transport and store. Point 65 Rum Runner is divisible and is quick and easy to stow in the car, or store in the apartment, said Richard Öhman, founder of Point 65 Sweden.
Water Sport SUP grew up in Hawaii for surfers who wanted to go out when the waves were too small for regular surfboards. The sport has grown rapidly and many estimate that is fun, easy to learn and quickly provide increased strength, endurance and balance. In the days presented Point65 Rum Runner which is specially designed for paddling in calm waters, is sturdy and has a so-called displacement that fits better to paddle when there are no waves.
Point 65 Sweden is the leading Scandinavian kayak brand and one of the fastest growing kayak companies with sales in 41 countries. The company develops russo watertown and produces kayaks and also have a kayak chain with a number of experience center around Sweden.
- We had never dreamed of this kind of response, russo watertown especially from the U.S., Germany, Australia, the Middle East, France and Scandinavia. In addition to large retailers like REI, Dick's Sporting Goods and LL Bean also has such trader in Switzerland bought russo watertown to paddle in mountain lakes, says Richard Öhman.
This entry was posted in Båtnyheter on March 7, 2014, the admin. Post navigation Too Sea in 2014 - the largest boat show in full swing ALL ABOARD - a boat designed by women for women (and men)
Latest Articles russo watertown ALL ABOARD - a boat designed by women for women (and men) March 10, 2014 Stand up and paddle with the first shareable SUP board March 7, 2014 Too Sea 2014 - the largest boat show in full swing March 4, 2014 for the year Båtkommun 2014, appointed russo watertown February 18, 2014 Success for the year's Boat Show in Gothenburg - Best of five years February 10, 2014
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

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This is a guest post by Richard Heinberg, Post Carbon Institute, an article, "Temporary Recession or end growth" which he published August 11, 2010 of an earlier article chartwells food service from 2009. ASPO Sweden has been given permission to translate the full post to Swedish and publish chartwells food service this here. Translation probably a lot of mistakes when the original is quite difficult and complicated, I've done the best I can, but like the article is a very good summary of the situation. It's a long article so take your time to read it, so over to Richard Heinberg.
Everyone agrees: our economy is sick. The inescapable symptoms include declines in consumer spending and consumer confidence, together with a contraction chartwells food service of international trade and available credit. Add a collapse chartwells food service in real estate values and carnage in the automotive and aerospace industries, and the picture chartwells food service looks grim. But why are both the U.S. economy and the larger global economy ailing? Among the traditional media, world leaders and U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner and Fed Chairman Bernanke's almost a unanimity of opinion: these recent chartwells food service troubles due primarily to a combination of bad real estate loans and poor regulation of financial markets . This is the conventional diagnosis. If this is correct, then the treatment chartwells food service for our economic malady logically, including massive chartwells food service bailouts for needy financial institutions, chartwells food service mortgage chartwells food service lenders, and car companies, better regulation of derivatives and futures markets, and stimulus programs to jumpstart consumer chartwells food service spending. All these measures have been tried and found lacking. chartwells food service Is this diagnosis is therefore fundamentally flawed? The metaphor needs no belaboring: we all know that tragedy can result from a doctor's misreading of symptoms, mistaking one disease for another.
Something similar holds for our national and global economic ailments. If we do not understand why the world's chartwells food service industrial and financial metabolism is seizing up, we are unlikely to apply the right medicine and could eventually make the situation much worse than they otherwise would be. To be sure: the Conventional chartwells food service Diagnosis is at least partly right. The causal connections between subprime loans and the crises in Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Lehman Brothers have been thoroughly researched and are well known. Clearly, over the past few years, speculative bubbles in real estate and financial industry were blown up to enormous dimensions, and their bursting was inevitable. It is hard to disagree with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's words, in his article July 25, 2009 in the Sydney Morning Herald: "The cause of the crisis lie in the preceding chartwells food service decade of excess. In this world, we experienced an extraordinary boom .... But, as we later learned, the global chartwells food service boom was built largely as a ... house of cards. First, in many Western countries the boom was created on a lot of debt held by consumers, businesses and some governments. As the global financier George Soros put it: "For 25 years [the West] have consumed more than we have been producing ... living beyond our means. "(1) But this is as far as we need to look to get to the root of the continuing global economic meltdown? A case can be made that dire events

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Almost two and a half million dollars is what the project

Almost two and a half million dollars is what the project "Increasing transportation efficiency through affiliated to better utilization of capacity" can recoup when Vinnova distributes the first envelope under the call transport and environmental innovations. The announcement is part of Vinnova Innovations for a sustainable society affiliated to as running from 2013 until 2016. Program aims to contribute new knowledge on transport and the environment and to contribute to the environmental quality and transport policy objectives that exist in Sweden can be met. Magnus Blinge at the Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers is one of the researchers leading the project.
Hi Magnus and congratulations to the financing from Vinnova! How does it feel? - Thank you, it feels great! We have had some difficulties in recent years to find funding for our graduate students in the Department of Logistics and Transport so it feels great to now have been able to secure that three of them have financing up to doctoral level.
Tell us more about this project! What are you investigating? - We research on the question how the efficiency of the transport system can increase through better use of the cargo space available in existing vehicles and spacecraft. affiliated to We hope that the new knowledge will lead to reduced environmental impact and improved economy for the stakeholders involved. Especially important and gratifying is that we have been able to bring a breadth of dedicated transport buying affiliated to companies, but also several agencies. The interaction between different actors is everything to find solutions in a system as complex as this.
How will the money be used? - In addition to graduate student funding allocation will be used to develop educational materials and customized training to the participating affiliated to organizations to ensure that the knowledge affiliated to actually comes in handy. We will organize a number of seminars to be sure to get an accurate picture of the problem. We also plan to produce a number of web-based training to help businesses themselves to disseminate knowledge and thus also give other organizations that are not directly involved in the project the opportunity to increase their knowledge.
What scientists involved in the project? - It is led by Dan Andersson, Mats Johansson and me while Vendela Santén, Sara Rogerson and Kristina Liljestrand are graduate students who will work in the project.
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Blog Stats 96.786 page views since June 5, 2012 Chalmers on Flickr More photos on Instagram Chalmers An error has occurred; flow is probably down. Try again later. Next Stop Chalmers on Instagram Hot air ballooning! Chalmers University has many awesome clubs. And the ballooning club is one them ;) # chalmersftw # flying # ballooning # Sweden # gothenburg # first # flight # studentambassador # bharatmohan # fire # hotairballoon March 29, 2014 next stop Chalmers March 29, 2014 My first flight with the Chalmers Ballooning Club was simply CRAZY! Had an amazing time! # Ballooning # flying affiliated to # chalmersftw # Gothenburg # Sweden # Gothenburg # studentambassador # bharatmohan # first # flight March 29, 2014 Categories Ben Chalma Mater Friends of Chalmers Chalmersspexet CHARM Connect West Cortège Divia Lectures Research from Chalmers Friends of Chalmers Fundraising Gustaf Dalen Svenska Karin Markides Career Enterprise Next Stop Chalmers Nobel News about chalmerists New about Chalmers Raghav Parliament and Government Scholarships Home Scholarships Technicalities U.S. Friends of Chalmers Waleed Latest posts Quality breaks April 13, 2014 Easter again!-This time in Sweden April 12, 2014 A visit to Riga 11 April 2014 Easter Crimea - compete for Annika Rosendahl's new suspense novel April 9, 2014 Annika Steiber current with new book April 9, 2014 Leo and Hedfors win Chalmers medal in 2014 9 April 2014 Time for regional final in Technology Eight 8 April 2014 Recent interest Chalmers Day 8 April, 2014 Food, the scaffold ;) April 7, 2014 Studying Abroad: What You Must Know April 5th, 2014 Most read Quality breaks Easter again!-This time in Sweden Scholarships for International Applicants Do not Miss the 2014/2015 English Scholarship and Network for Future Global Leader Opportunity A visit to Riga Studying Abroad: What You Must Know More than 500 SI scholarships to be given this year! Chalmeristbloggen remember Jan Hult Easter Crimea - compete for Annika affiliated to Rosendahl's new suspense novel The 'brigther side' of Gothenburg Writers Annica Eijlinder Live Chat on new Central beating of participants given truths challenged affiliated to the assembly plant blog editorial Per Olof Arnäs guest blogs about the 14-year-old affiliated to Josefines exciting day at Chalmers University of New round of The Reflecting Engineer Caroline Örmgård affiliated to Promises on the Web will transform Swedish healthcare Continued funding for CBI diviaj Quality breaks A year after being admitted Michael Nystås

Large School 7B with Ella Karlsson, Johanna Gustafsson and Stina Wahlqvist spearheaded had construc

Record number of senior-level participated when it was time to crown the winners of this year's Future transport. It is Universeum, Chalmers and several other organizations in the transport sector which organizes epos orange the competition where seventh-and eighth-graders make up about building the smartest transportation solution. For the winners from the North Lyckeskolan 8B now waiting overnight for the whole class among sharks and reptiles at Universeum. They even praised by 10000 crowns and may present their innovative epos orange projects for the City's trafiknämnd.
The competition was held on a Universeum that completely swarmed hopeful high school students and curious representatives. Full thirty grants were issued and it was a sweaty jury that after long deliberations finally crowned North Lyckeskolan 8B as the day's biggest winner, epos orange thanks to the boat Green Ocean that manages to combine epos orange several different renewable energy sources.
The boat, which is supposed to be used for freight, the pressure plates on the side of the hull and when the water waves pressed against those generated energy that propels the boat forward. Green Ocean also has a dome with solar cells that protects container load and generate additional energy.
- It also includes a wind turbine and loaded using the treadmill and magnetism to move the large containers. One does not need to build new boats but design of boats that already epos orange exists, explaining students Jonathan Wasenius and Ellen Sennerman.
Combination of energy impressed the jury right combination of freight transport solution and the possibility of using existing boats appealed to the jury. Explanatory Memorandum points out that the class focused on the vulnerable marine environment and the use of different sources of renewable energy.
- It is worth paying attention to students' innovative thinking in utilizing wave energy vessels. Since assuming existing epos orange vessels epos orange restricts also the cost of the conversion. The class also introduces a new concept for the loading epos orange of containers with treadmills, generally is Green Ocean a creative and thoughtful work, says Per Olof Arnas, Chalmers researchers and jury chairman.
Creative suggestions for great town challenge Second Prize with a prize money of 5,000 crowns combed home of Frillesas School 8B. Their solution epos orange with combined transport of people and goods also fell jury entirely in taste.
- This is a big challenge for cities worldwide and the class has developed epos orange a creative proposal that many will be interested. They even thought about resource efficiency with the goal of creating self-sustaining system with good material. The class has also developed a funding proposal showing how it can be cheaper for travelers, says Per Olof.
Hybrid and graph capsule among the entries Nygård School 7A had sketched several different proposals epos orange and conducted a poll. The choice fell on hybrid vehicle that can both fly and travel on water. At the booth, a documentary about the project and a mockup of the hybrid vehicle.
Large School 7B with Ella Karlsson, Johanna Gustafsson and Stina Wahlqvist spearheaded had constructed a proposal which involved passengers on people traveling in a capsule made of super material graphene that was placed inside a transparent tube above the ground. epos orange
Workshop with transport experts during the day was also a workshop where students were discussing the same issues in smaller groups, namely, how to move between Cross Road and Gothenburg Central epos orange Station on the water would rise one meter above the ground. Kristina Liljestrand, everyday epos orange researcher at the Department of Logistics and Transport at Chalmers, acting as moderator.
- We were several so-called experts with representatives from both universities and industry that went around among the various groups and listened to the discussion and asked questions to help them along. There were many different creative suggestions in the form of boats, jet skis and cable car, I was very impressed! says Kristina.
Related Written by blog editors Posted in Business, News on Chalmers, Technicalities Tagged with Future day, transportation, universeum a comment March 26, 2014 - 09:29 Pingback: Per Olof Arnäs guest blogs about the 14-year-old Josefines exciting day at Chalmers | Chalmeristbloggen
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Blog Stats 96.732 page views since June 5, 2012 Chalmers epos orange on Flickr More photos on Instagram Chalmers An error has occurred; flow is probably down. Try again later. Next Stop Chalmers epos orange on Instagram Hot air ballooning! Chalmers University has many awesome clubs. And the ballooning club is one them ;) # chalmersftw # flying # ballooning # Sweden epos orange # gothenburg # first # flight # studentambassador # bharatmohan # fire # hotairballoon March 29, 2014 next stop Chalmers March 29, 2014 My first flight with the Chalmers Ballooning Club was simply CRAZY! Had an amazing time! # # Ballooning flying # chalmersftw

Saturday, April 12, 2014

We met few other cyclists. distributes Those who still bike are especially sporty types, and that is

Via Nederländska ambassaden fick jag en förfrågan om jag kunde peka en landsman tillrätta. Denne landsman heter Erik Tetteroo och är konsult inom stadsutveckling och hållbar mobilitet och en del av Dutch Cycling Embassy . Nu skulle han komma till Stockholm med sin fru. Hade vi några cykeltips? distributes Med hjälp av vår Facebook-grupp Cyklistbubblan kom mängder av tips och Erik lovade att höra av sig om hur det gick. Här är hans reseberättelse :
On my 47th birthday I visited Stockholm, for the first time ever. The Swedish capital had been long high on our wish list with short breaks, so this was a very nice gift. As a Dutch consultant in the field of sustainable mobility and urban development, it is quite natural for me to explore the city on two wheels. distributes
A good opportunity to discover the Swedish bicycle culture and a useful preparation for a workshop I ll be giving at Göthenburg next May. But to my surprise I found out that the City Bikes in Stockholm stay in a long hibernation. What now?
Through my contact with the Dutch embassy in Sweden, I came in contact with my countryman Jeroen Wolfers and eventually ended up to Simon Bouloussa of Bicycle Factory. We were very kindly received by Simon in his beautiful bikeshop at Närkesgatan, where many special models are available in all colors. Simon is an enthusiastic entrepreneur with a special background. Born in Morocco, lived in Amsterdam for six years and ended up in Stockholm. distributes
Here he is trying to get more people on the bike. A good aim, because with only 7% of the modal share Stockholm scores quite low. And while the possibilities distributes seem quite good, with a high density in the city center, few large height in the city and many amenities within easy cycling distance. Because at distances up to about 7 km a bicycle is usually faster than car or public transport, there are many opportunities for cycling. Simon was kind enough to lend us two bikes, so that we could explore the city of Stockholm on two wheels – in winter!
What immediately struck us was that most of the cyclepaths were under a layer of snow , while the lanes for cars were neatly cleaned. In many places the bike lane was even too bad to discover, and elsewhere the route ranged strangely from the roadway to the sidewalk and back. A more clear positioning for the bike would be very welcome.
And more space too: the width of bicycle lanes is often very limited, and must often also be shared with oncoming traffic and pedestrians. I consider it a poor choice to give cyclists so little space. Stockholm has lots of nice wide streets, there is really enough distributes place in public space, but the division between lanes for cars, public transport and cycling is very unfavorable.
We met few other cyclists. distributes Those who still bike are especially sporty types, and that is a big difference distributes with the Netherlands. distributes With us, almost everyone gets on the bike for daily business. Children distributes use it get to school, people go shopping with large panniers or on a bakfiets and commuters cycle in their best suit to the office.
Even the Prime Minister can often be seen on his bicycle near our parliament. Cycling is part of our culture, an everyday activity, and the most practical way to get around. It costs little, you stay fit in there and it’s just fun! In most Dutch cities, over 40% of all trips are made by bicycle. This increases the liveliness on the streets, reduces CO2 emissions distributes and is usually better for the local economy. In The Hague for example, the city has closed some main roads for cars and that has resulted distributes in higher sales for many stores.
Unfortunately I don t see that bike culture yet in Stockholm. The Bianchi Cafe at Norrlandsgatan is surely beautiful, with delicious Italian coffee and snacks and great racing bikes on the wall and ceiling. But it also puts the emphasis back on the sports cyclist that dresses up in lycra to drop some performance.
While distributes the bike is also and above all an excellent tool for every day driving to work. Whether for a relaxing ride to the magnificent Vasa museum on Djurgården, or for discovering the wonderful park-like island. If necessary, distributes the bike fits perfectly on a small ferry. Try that with a car!
We really enjoyed cycling in Stockholm. It is a beautiful city and great fun to explore by bike. All major facilities are quickly and easily accessible on two wheels. It is time that the Swedes learn to love cycling more, and free the City Bikes from their hibernation. Or even better, buy a decent bike at Simon s Fietsfabriek. It s a way to honestly earn the title of capital of Scandinavia!
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Jeroen är till vardags distributes copywriter på Raring Design. Han har pendlingscyklat sedan 2008 och året-runt-pe