Sunday, August 31, 2014

When they represent one of the person, the house, documents, countries, and other data which is in

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Group home means (clustering) can the theory is that there are many similarities to that in the group as a collection of units to maximize the homogeneity the produce news of the elements and maximize the differences (heterogeneity) between the different the produce news groups of the cross a lot of data. The following is a specific technique to do this. In other words, saying that that tied into subgroups with similar characteristics may also be used as a one-way (an undirected) data mining techniques. the produce news There is no target variable as finding the produce news the hidden pattern without stand the specific hypothesis.
The following are representative of the Clustering Method There are two. Non-hierarchical (non-hierarchical) technique are classified into M clusters of N configuration factor. K- average the produce news algorithm (K-means algorithm) is inde typically operates in this case in a manner that minimizes the produce news the variance of the distance difference between each cluster and one cluster while enclosed in k given data. Made in the process of clustering multiple nested cluster (nested clusters) - The hierarchy (hierarchical) scheme.
Is widely utilized in the following cases are mainly clustered. Is widely used in the segmentation (segmentation) work primarily In particular, the customer segmentation (customer segmentation), products such according to purpose, size, brand, flavor typical granular formulation. anomaly detection (eg, identification of fraud transaction). This is a normal transaction ("normal" the produce news cluster) and abnormal trading sensitive or used for fraud detection through inspection of the carrier calling pattern analysis of drug side effects. Separated by small groups of data by dividing the large scale data. (For example, a different behavior may be compared to a smaller cluster group classification results of logistic the produce news regression analysis.)
Unlike classification, and does not rely on a previously defined class and no class label control and clustering is learning training experience. Thus the study, rather than grouping according to the example of a type of learning by observation. Constitute a class if you can not dictate the produce news to the concept of a group of objects is the concept of clustering. This is to measure the geometric distance based on the similarity clustering to other common points. It consists of two elements is a conceptual clustering. The description of each class, as (2) classified as finding (1) to the appropriate class. Guidelines to have low similarity between the class of high affinity and is still applied the produce news in the Class.
It has many applications, such as market and customer differentiation, pattern the produce news recognition, biological studies, spatial data analysis, cluster analysis of web document classification. That is, such as whether the object is evaluated by the degree of clustering among the binary clustering quality (quality) is for this purpose for the various types of data interval scale, binary, nominal, in order, a combination of such a variable rate, or a measure that is well clustering calculated ones. Even today, many clustering algorithms, which are constantly being developed, such as segmentation techniques, hierarchical methods, the produce news density-based the produce news method, grid-based methods, model-based techniques the produce news are leading to the algorithm. B. Type of data in the cluster analysis
When they represent one of the person, the house, documents, countries, and other data which is in a group of n 2 of the following the produce news acts nine kinds of data in the memory based clustering algorithm. Data Matrix (Data Matrix: object x variable structure): This indicates that the p variables (called a property or scale), such as age, height, the produce news weight, gender, race for the people. In the form of a relational table structure the produce news is hyeongryeol nxp, ie. (Nx object variable p)
shows the measured difference between the object i and an object j, or even different d (i, j) is. In general, or to an object i, j have a high affinity with each other that is situated 'near', and the difference further increases, the greater the number of non-negative value is closer to 0 d (i, j) is. get the same (8.2) and the matrix, so d (i, j) = d (j, i), d (i, i) = 0 is. This represents the open data lines and the other elements are different from the matrix to the matrix, on the other hand, also in the data matrix are often bimodal matrix (two-mode matrix) referred to as 1-calling mode, the matrix (one-mode matrix) referred to as the matrix is different the produce news from Fig. This is because to indicate the column and the same element. Many different populations uses a matrix algorithm. Must be converted to the matrix before, if the phase appeared the produce news in the form of a data matrix, the data is to apply a clustering algorithm. Scale interval (Interval-Scaled) variable
Height the produce news in meters to change the unit of measure in pounds or kilograms of weight change in the unit of measurement is used to effect Used in clustering analysis, for example, the clustering structure varies significantly. Expressed in units smaller variable when viewed normally becomes wider the range of the variable has a significant effect on the results of the clustering structure. In order to avoid the dependence of this unit of measure, such as the specific gravity should be on all the parameters by standardizing the data. This is important the produce news when there is no previous knowledge of the data in particular. But even if you want to place a larger proportion according to the analysis of a specific area in the field intentionally, for example, if there is to put more weight on the keys when clustering the volleyball players. the produce news
Absolute be less affected by the standard deviation σ f outliers than the mean deviation (mean absolute deviation) sj is. To obtain the absolute deviation mean deviation from the average is less because it does not reduce the produce news the effects of outliers is squared (| | x if -mf). Absolute deviation as the center also stronger in the scatter measurement scale has the advantage that it is easy, but not too small in absolute value than finding outliers z- score is the average deviation. the produce news
q is a positive integer, q = 1 is the Manhattan distance, q = 2, the Euclidean distance. If weighting in accordance with the recognition on the importance of each variable is weighted Euclidean distance is calculated next.
It is a unique method of binary variables only need to calculate the phase as a result of incorrect clustering is derived interval scale variables are treated as if pleading to be. Is to calculate the matrix phase is also from a given binary data One approach to achieve this. If all binary variables with the same weight you can get a 2 2 contingency table of Table 7.1. An example of a binomial (binary) variable partitioning table (contingency table) below.
You need to keep in mind the difference between the produce news asymmetric binary variables, where symmetry the produce news is. The weights are symmetric if all I have the equivalent value of each state variable is binary. In other words, it does not matter even if the display towards 0 or 1 which results. Typical example is the sex (gender) the produce news of the properties the produce news male, female condition. Even if some or all of the different technologies in the binomial variable symmetric binary variables are called the produce news similarity inconvenience this enduring results (invariant similarity) similarity. the produce news The most well-known factor to measure dissimilarity between objects j i, for the affinity constant simple coupling factor (simple matching coeeficient) is defined as follows.
Refers to non-uniform state, if a result of the number of defense is the asymmetrical. For example, will be treated as a disease, unlike critical tests positive / negative results. In general, the frequency represented by a result of this and of the small critical (such as: HIV positive), and displays to zero (for example, HIV negative) for the other. As it is often "just stars (monary) (as having the produce news one of the state) is equal to 1 because the two both (positive fit) is more important than both the 0 to (negative fit) deemed given two kinds of asymmetric binary variables considered. Also called similarity changes (noninvariant similarity) based on the similarity of those variables. The Jaccard coefficient is ignored in the calculation because it does not matter the number of pairs of the negative t is changed, best known as the similarity factor.
Refers to a variable that can take one of several values: one variable is called a template variable is a nominal variable, also known as the Killer (nominal variable) as. When the number M referred to as the state of nominal variables 1, 2, ..., can be represented by the integer M and the same set of states. Such a constant is not indicating a specific order only geotyiji used for data manipulation. In a sense, you can say itgetda Standard of only one of the values 0 and 1 of binary variables taking.
May be given a weight to keep the larger the produce news the number of matched pairs of the variable has a large number in order to increase the effect of the state m or weight. Can be coded with a binary variable of asymmetrical by applying a new binary variables M for each of the nominal state nominal variables. A binary variable that indicates the status the produce news on an object the produce news having a given state is 1, and displays the rest of the binary variables to zero. Seosuhyeong (Ordinal) variable
There are two binary sequences of the variable and the variable sequence is a continuous variable with values the produce news seosuhyeong variable sequence. the produce news Is similar to the nominal parameters, except that the M state of the value of the ordered sequence the produce news have the meaning of acid sequence variable (discrete ordinal variable) is. The grant amount can not be measured by objective and subjective variables in the sequence. For example, is listed the produce news as an assistant the produce news professor, associate professor, professor ratings, as Professor sequential order. Looks like a continuous sequential data sets in the range of unknown sequence variables (continuous ordinal variable) is. That

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Using the initial data exploration bac pol during the initial cases n Project: bac pol Analysis of

Home About Hadoop Big Data Big Data Big Data Training NEW Text Search (IRS) Search Solutions (Commercial) EZ Search (composition and function) EZ Search (use cases) visualization tool (Visualization) Semantic Search bac pol Web Content Management bac pol (CMS) CMS key (open source) WordPress Template system also Semantic Web About Us (Hangul) About Us (English)
Linear relationship. Assuming that the dependent variable y x, the arguments are as follows: bac pol the relationship.
To estimate the values of a and ß in the data. However, it is necessary for the error term ε is assumed. The a and ß are estimated by the least squares method (least square estimation) in view (whether the normal distribution, the expected value, a dispersion, etc) it. This is used to calculate the confidence interval, or t-test to the reliability of the estimated value of a and ß review. If multiple independent variable is the F test is used. (2) time series (Time series) model
Since it is useful to identify the: (autocorrelation, trend or seasonal variation example), a certain inner structure, measured over a period of several values. Produces nine minutes (decompose) to trend, seasonal (seasonal) and circular (cyclical) for this element. Was created on the basis of this autoregressive models (AR) and moving average (MA) model is utilized mainly as a lot of the model and then the model.
As a lay stretched on wooden shape the decisions series of alternative forecasting models to find the most important turning point for each step. That is, to find the proper response. Take the way to choose the most effective option is the best, where algorithms to find all the possible option after this. Find more than 2 child node from the parent node through bac pol it. Is applied recursively for each child node after this manner. Find the best split is the best option then to evaluate bac pol all possible. The method most commonly used is three. bac pol
Using the initial data exploration bac pol during the initial cases n Project: bac pol Analysis of overdue loan repayments
n Partitioning Scheme
In the example above, there was no need to categorize groups prefer fresh food from scratch, especially vegetable retailers. I need to find (like eg consumer behavior) work continuously instead of similarities. That is, the pattern can be found, without explanation or interpretation and why that question. However, it must be able to determine the meaning of their characteristic (identity) and by itself be senseless and profiles are widely bac pol assumed as a result cluster (resulting cluster) is. Cross-analysis (Cross Tabulation)
The neural network is a kind of random prediction, and learning how to update data while systematically applied to each of them. With a focus on self-learning techniques such as clustering (unsupervised bac pol learning). Often is used much fraud detection, credit rating (credit scoring), commercial analysis (store clustering) and so on.
Results obtained from the neural network are described and interpreted because it is less easy to deal with if the black-box process. This means that it may be difficult to keep track of which answers exactly to the derivation process. May be used when the work thus familiar with what you want when you are content with any degree of understanding of the nature of the input variables bac pol and the estimated parameters or modeling. Of course, in addition to prediction may also like clustering, outlier detection and variable selection can be used.
It is important to standardize the data are placed in the preparation bac pol (Data preparation) data is a complex process, in particular. And when to understand the relative importance of the input variables through a sensitivity analysis can be very complex relationships between the data, it is important bac pol to systematically analyze the relationship. For example, if fast, revealed naegoja exactly the relationship of various factors bac pol to the increase bac pol in profit if the abnormal (abnormal) data patterns is the frequency of transactions is high - for example, fraud - it is better to use a neural network model. At this point, it is important for such acts as a sort of black box and finding these relations to select multiple input variables to the formulation of a mathematical model of neural network models. This neural network has been implemented in the form of modules in many commercial and open source S / W is already in a state that can be applied bac pol relatively easily. (7) classification (classification)
to the data using a variety of patterns with clustering, classification, ranking, including bac pol the search and discovery - n SVM (Scalable bac pol Vector Machine).
'Nearest neighbors (NN)' The existing scheme because bac pol the new instance to unilaterally classify it in the same class and find the most similar instance in the classification problem for the new instance to a noisy dataset bac pol showed poor performance. bac pol The complement to this is shown by 'k-NN', only one data NN closest opposed viewing, the classification in the manner bac pol of a weighted sum of the k pieces of data closest to majority voting, or. In other words, going to see is also known as 1-NN NN.
The spatial information in the prediction model also looks not so random occurrence of a specific event is not even certain. In other words, factors bac pol (spatial bac pol environment factors) on the space that is, socio-cultural, bac pol topographic, will affect factors such as. The Geospatial predictive models expressed in the model that influence these things through the filter and geographic limitations and to utilize them to forecast.
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Friday, August 29, 2014

Unprecedented integration of heterogeneous systems, and that was the best time of 3 Opening pride a

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

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Monday, August 25, 2014

How do I take advantage of the gallbladder wholesale produce Post another boar

Sell only precious food [AD] is a sweet shop established 05 years across dolmen. Call a look. GABA enhanced component organic sprouted brown rice and delicious new boar meat gallbladder [Guide wholesale produce Shortcuts ... Click] friendly high screen Dolmen brand apple blossoms immunity beta glucan ingredients and organic cabbage kimchi pickled mushrooms rural 産 Soybean duck mulberry tea 茶 meat and Exchange 丸 miyongpaek
Feed (飼料) that is also what do you feed these guys major problem grows. Only products purchased on the market livestock feed material fed or fed mainly collected leftover food from restaurants (殘 飯) the meat, the more fat will be low puseok away or there will be a problem.
How do I take advantage of the gallbladder wholesale produce Post another boar 'wild boar meat and gall' category? What are you looking for summer (0) 2013/06/25 gallbladder wholesale produce and wild boar meat? I love it (1) 2012/07/31 fresh boar bile other drinking alcohol. (0) 2012/07/31 Wild boar meat and gallbladder price adjustment guide ... Better go dolmen (0) 2012/07/26 2011 boar meat gallbladder grand opening! Serves (0) 2011/04/21 boar pork feet. The third item of the dolmen boar. The Introduction wholesale produce (0) 2010/08/19 wholesale produce Dolmen clean new boar meat. (4) 2010/04/12 Item (商品) - Wild boar meat pork feet gallbladder (2) 2010/03/08 boar meat and gall bladder, the store features Dolmen .- Sale (0) 2010/02/08 boar meat (0) 2009/04/13 boar gallbladder hwalyongbeop (0) 2009/04/13
Mulberry - Regular divine 神木
Snow, Thanksgiving, etc. - Gift items
2012 I'm really wondering is delicious apples. Use this ...
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Recent posts will show you how wild boar marinated cabbage gall sale sale ... Thank closed. In addition ... by Dolmen GABA rice germinated foods ... ever in the world to peel gel B had delicious apple ... well ... also wrote poetry keunahgi kimchi kimchi marinating matnage, bitter sound ... (2) Pickled cabbage taekbaebi also rises. Kimchi early ... the most expensive rice, germinated brown rice Gabbana Dolmen Dolmen 2013 ... 2013 order guide pickled cabbage. Thanksgiving Gift famous Dolmen high clean apple ... foolish people, wholesale produce call now to take advantage of one's time ... How do boar gallbladder? Blossom mushroom beta-glucan component of the new suit ... (1) 'I do not eat salty! " Stick to break even dining table ... Wando Arboretum Dolmen project - the Rocks goeseok ... Why Choose a blossom mushroom? Blossom mushroom beta glucan, this dish Hase ... Germinated Brown New Year maze, including hypertension, diabetes ... get a high-quality wholesale produce pickled cabbage blossoms Order 2012 ... How to eat mushrooms - drink drive next version ... (2) Wild boar meat and gallbladder What are you looking wholesale produce for a summer? (1) the boar bile fresh drinking alcohol ... other explanation for those questions blossoms mushrooms. (2) Wild boar meat and gallbladder price adjustment guide ... 20% discount until the end of the germinated brown rice that sells delicious wholesale produce apple ... B Original Factory ... 10kg 39,000 won. Introducing the new year .. Dolmen pickled cabbage Chuseok gift high quality wholesale produce eco-friendly apple screen ... [notification-sponsor events - Middle School Writing Non ... Dolmen go watch go backwards. Blossom ...
Calendar 2014/08 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

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700-year-old "vampire" skeleton unearthed in Bulgaria - National Geographic har posted some cool pictures of a "vampire" skeleton unearthed in Bulgaria. It had er stabbed through the chest with an iron rod. ...
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Inge, That

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The packaging sells! Normally covers the a hidden and therefore invisible product - which may in itself is not exciting to look at. Wrapping arouse fantasies and consumer accepts the external image and let this represent brewstone beer company the product's aesthetics. Who seem to flour or concentrate for dogs is aesthetic in itself? "
Inge, That's life as fair
Madame ... And when you get off, there is also a permanent exhibition of Danish chairs (Wegner) in barrels! = Http://
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Therefore warns Danish Ornithological Society and Skåne Ornithological Society birdwatchers to keep

Stay away! For some the thought of being spied provide additional bunzl power when children flock to be extended - but not for the golden eagle. The modest bird would in fact prefer to be alone during its most sensitive bunzl moments. And it is precisely now. It writes Metro.
Therefore warns Danish Ornithological Society and Skåne Ornithological Society birdwatchers to keep at a distance of golden eagles and sea eagles at this time while they build their nests. The association has already observed more intrusive bunzl bird lovers who have disturbed the birds parental care.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

3. Take one triangle, use your hands to stretch it out a little bit. Place the triangle sygma networ

Most of us are addicted to the creamy chocolate-y sygma network hazel-nutty goodness, but this woman takes it to a whole new level. She even has her own cookbook full of recipes all made with Nutella! I'm seeing some guest posts and maybe even a guest series in the not-so-distant future!
3. Take one triangle, use your hands to stretch it out a little bit. Place the triangle sygma network upright, so that the right angle is on your left.
We are partying this weekend at the 
These look so delicious! I love anything with Nutella. I found you at Pinworthy Projects and I am your newest follower! I host a weekly link party on my blog and would love for you to stop by and share your recipe. Hope to see you there. Have a wonderful weekend! Amy @ The Stitchin' Mommy Reply Delete
This sounds delicious, I love Nutella. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Reply Delete
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My Mom is my biggest cooking inspiration (and in life!).
12 Days of Christmas Cookies (14) Appetizers (6) Apple (1) Bread (1) Breakfast (12) British Foods (6) Chicken (8) Chili (3) Chocolate (19) Christmas (17) Christmas Cookies (14) Coffee (2) Crockpot (11) Cupcakes sygma network (10) Dessert (44) Dinner (25) Dip (3) DIY (3) Dog Treats (1) Easter (1) Fall (19) Fruit (3) Fuel Your Body (5) Gifts (1) Giveaway (3) Guest Post (16) Halloween (4) Hannah (8) Healthful sygma network (11) House Tour (1) Light (9) Lunch (7) Mac and Cheese (1) Menu (4) Mom (3) Nutella (2) Pizza (3) Pumpkin sygma network (12) Quick and Easy (45) Red Velvet (2) Salad (8) Scones (2) Seafood (3) Side Dishes (10) Slow-cooker (11) Snacks (14) Soup (2) Spring (1) St. Patrick's sygma network Day (6) Stromboli (2) Super Bowl (2) Thanksgiving (5) Valentine's Day (8) Vegetables (3) Winter (2)
1. Red Velvet Chocolate sygma network Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes sygma network 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes sygma network
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise sygma network Brilliantly sygma network British sygma network Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Valentine's Day is almost here!! I hope you are busy making plans to celebrate wynit with you and yo

Valentine's Day is almost here!! I hope you are busy making plans to celebrate wynit with you and your loved one - whether thats a significant other or just a group of girlfriends wynit you truly love! I know how nice it can be to go out to a fancy restaurant, but sometimes its nice to stay in and cook a delicious dinner. If that's you this weekend, than look no further for the perfect menu!
Why is this the perfect Valentine's Day Menu, you ask? Well let me say one word. Chocolate. Yes, Chocolate. Every recipe in the menu contains chocolate. I'll give you a moment to soak that in. Well let's not delay! I present your perfect Valentine's Day Menu FULL of Chocolate!
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350. Cover 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. 2. Beat together cake mix, butter, eggs, and food dye. Drop 1 inch scoops of dough 2 inches apart onto baking sheets. 3. Bake 10-12 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely (at least 15 minutes). 4. Spread cream cheese frosting on bottom of one cookie and sandwich wynit together with another. 5. Place mini chocolate chips in a bowl and roll whoopee pie so that frosting becomes coated in chocolate chips. Enjoy!
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▼  2014 (17) ►  March (4) ▼  February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry Smoothie Happy Valentine's wynit Day!!! 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner Menu for you and Your Sweet... wynit Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons Valentine's Day Recipes: Cupcakes & Chocolate-y Ch... DIY: House Warming Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December (14) ►  November wynit (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  wynit August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate wynit Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti wynit Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

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It's going to be a GREAT week! 
This prescon week, choose a night you don't much time to spare, 
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▼  2014 (17) ►  March (4) ▼  February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry Smoothie Happy Valentine's Day!!! 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner prescon Menu for you and Your Sweet... Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons Valentine's Day Recipes: Cupcakes & Chocolate-y prescon Ch... DIY: House Warming Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December (14) ►  November (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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Orange prescon Blueberry Smoothie
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes prescon
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise prescon Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Mom is my biggest cooking inspiration (and in life!).

I know how time gets away from us. 
1. Combine ingredients in slow cooker on high 2-4 hours, then on warm to serve.
2. Prepare box mix according to box instructions. Before mixing, add 1/2 C Nutella.
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▼  2014 (17) ►  March (4) ▼  February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry Smoothie Happy Valentine's heidelberg distributing Day!!! 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner Menu for you and Your Sweet... Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons Valentine's heidelberg distributing Day Recipes: Cupcakes heidelberg distributing & Chocolate-y Ch... DIY: House Warming heidelberg distributing Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway heidelberg distributing & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January heidelberg distributing (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December heidelberg distributing (14) ►  heidelberg distributing November (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  heidelberg distributing August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
My Mom is my biggest cooking inspiration (and in life!).
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest heidelberg distributing Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma heidelberg distributing

1. arr craib Red Velvet Chocolate arr craib Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3.

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▼  2014 (17) ►  March (4) ▼  February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry Smoothie Happy Valentine's Day!!! 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner Menu for you and Your Sweet... Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons Valentine's Day Recipes: Cupcakes & Chocolate-y arr craib Ch... DIY: House Warming Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  arr craib December (14) ►  November (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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Orange Blueberry Smoothie
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1. arr craib Red Velvet Chocolate arr craib Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Cookies (14) Appetizers breski beverage (6) Apple (1) Bread (1) Breakfast (12)

and I went looking for a housewarming breski beverage gift. 
Lemon Palmolive Dish Soap
AWESOME personalized gifts from Richwood Creations!!  
No breski beverage comments:
▼  2014 (17) ►  breski beverage March (4) ▼  February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry Smoothie Happy Valentine's Day!!! breski beverage 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner Menu for you and Your Sweet... Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons Valentine's Day Recipes: Cupcakes & Chocolate-y Ch... DIY: House Warming Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December (14) ►  November (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella breski beverage Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Monday, August 18, 2014

1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Bost

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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply lodi beer company Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything lodi beer company What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Avocado Egg Breakfast
Labels: Breakfast , Fruit , Fuel Your Body , Healthful , Light , Lunch
▼  2014 (17) ►  March (4) ▼  saladinos February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry Smoothie Happy Valentine's Day!!! 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner Menu for you and Your Sweet... Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate saladinos Macaroons Valentine's Day Recipes: Cupcakes & Chocolate-y Ch... DIY: House Warming Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December (14) ►  November (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football saladinos Cupcakes saladinos
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten saladinos By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything saladinos What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A few months ago, Rachel of All Night Knits was looking for a pattern for the fabulous cowl that Kat

I have to say, I love Katniss Everdeen. Unlike a lot of heroines in YA fiction, she is tough and takes care of herself. However, she’s still human, and she has many loving relationships that mean everything to her. She has a balance that I feel like a lot of female denny mclain characters lack. While she spends denny mclain most of the books kicking ass and taking names, she’s denny mclain not just a stereotypical Amazon. She has depth, and we can understand her feelings, even if she can get a little angsty at times. (What teenager doesn’t? Even if they aren’t destined to save the world.) As awful as it would be to live in the dystopian future that is the setting denny mclain for the Hunger Games, Katniss can handle anything (and look great doing it!) Besides, what isn’t awesome about being a badass archer? Reading those books made me want to try archery again, but I won’t, because I seriously sucked at it. Maybe because, like many nerds, my vision is horrible.
A few months ago, Rachel of All Night Knits was looking for a pattern for the fabulous cowl that Katniss Everdeen is wearing in the trailers for Catching Fire. I hadn’t seen them yet, but the minute that I saw this cowl, I was in love. I had to make a Katniss Cowl of my very own! I wanted to knit it and wear it to the premiere, and I finished it up in just a few hours of knitting time. However, it came out so beautifully that I wanted to release denny mclain the pattern as well. So here it is!
The great thing about super bulky yarns is that they knit up fast. If you want a Katniss Cowl of your very own to wear to the premiere (November 22nd people!) you still have time! It’s amazingly quick to knit, even though the neckline is a bit fiddly. I did a really detailed step-by-step guide with pictures, so hopefully it should be way easy for you guys! If there’s a little girl on your Christmas list who loves Katniss, this might be just the ticket.. If you want to be loved and adored forevermore :P
These pictures were taken on a FREEZING cold roof by the inimitable Greg Dracoulis, who managed to get some really lovely shots. I don’t know how, because it was miserably cold. He must just be a really great photographer :P My hands and feet felt like they got frostbite, but my torso was toasty warm!
As dramatic and avant garde as this cowl is, I really think it’s very wearable. Big smooshy cowls have been really popular the last few seasons, and I love the neckline on this one, how crisp and structured it is. It’s very unique, and I think I’m going to get a lot of use out of it in the Boston winter.
The pattern is free in my Ravelry store, ( link here!) I want everyone to have one so I’m not charging for the pattern. It only takes about two and a half skeins of Lion Brand Thick and Quick yarn, so it’s economical too. Everyone should knit a Katniss Cowl. We all deserve them, and we will all look fabulous. And revolutionary. And maybe as cute and charming as Jennifer Lawrence. I take that one back. No one is as cute and charming as Jennifer Lawrence. Let me know what you think! denny mclain (it’s only the second design I’ve ever published and I am nervous.) Thanks bloggy friends!
**UPDATE** If you’ve decided that you absolutely MUST have one of these and don’t knit or have a knitting friend that you can beg and bribe in order to get one, you can buy one from my Etsy store. Too many people asked, so I finally caved.
Posted in: Uncategorized Tagged: Anarchic Knitting , Catching Fire Cowl , Cowl Pattern , Finished Object , FO , Geeky Knitting , Herringbone Stitch , Hunger Games Cowl Pattern , Katniss Cowl , Katniss Cowl Pattern , Katniss Cowl Tutorial , Katniss Everdeen , Katniss Scarf , Katniss Shawl , Make Your Own Katniss Cowl , Nerdy Knitting denny mclain , Original Designs , Postapocalyptic Knitting , Viva la Revolution! Post navigation
Thanks so much for the Katniss Cowl pattern. I spent a good deal of time last night trying to work out a pattern for the cowl having seen the film and was wondering how to do the neck. After seeing your pattern on ravelry I have now unpicked mine and am going to start again following your pattern! It is much better than mine!!
Yay!!!! I tested the download link and it worked fine for me, so I’m glad your tablet decided to cooperate. The original file was too big to upload, it was almost half a gigabyte from all the pictures, and just compressing it slowed my super fast shiny computer to a crawl. But it should be pretty normal-sized now :D
Definitely don’t machine wash. The yarn is superwash, but the crazy sculptural neckline wouldn’t like it. I’d try three ways of keeping it clean. 1. Spot clean with a damp rag. 2. Dunk the bottom portion into some warm water and a no-rinse wool wash like Eucalan. (this will also make it smell nice.) 3. If you really need to deodorize it, (like if you’re wearing it naked f

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Grasshopper Mini Bundt Cakes
2. In a stand mixer bowl, combine cake mix, eggs, oil, and water. Blend for 2 mins on medium speed.
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut t and t supermarket Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella t and t supermarket Football t and t supermarket Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Saturday, August 16, 2014

All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brillian

Just give this a whirl and your family will be thanking you. 
1 Tbsp Minced Garlic
▼  market basket salem ma 2014 (17) ▼  March (4) St. Patrick's Day DIY: Homemade Frosty Paws for you Dog! Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup Grasshopper Mini Bundt Cakes for St. Patrick's Day... ►  February (12) ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December (14) ►  November (2) ►  October market basket salem ma (13) ►  September (9) ►  August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations Simply Recipes market basket salem ma Smitten By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma

Friday, August 15, 2014

All Recipes Chef In Training activant solutions Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Mis

Valentine's Day recipe for her! 
5.      Place a pastry activant solutions bag inside a glass so that you can easily scoop batter into the pastry bag. Twist the bag right above the tip before adding the mixture so it doesn’t start seeping out before you’re activant solutions ready to pipe!
6.      Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Evenly space ¾ inch round cookie shells by swirling the batter in a circle and lifting up in the middle. Once you pipe all the shells that will fit, pick up the cookie sheet and tap it against the counter as to release air bubbles and flatten out the peaks formed when lighting up with the piping bag.
7.      Let stand for 15 minutes activant solutions to adjust to room temperature. When putting the sheet into the oven reduce the heat to 350 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes and at the halfway point, rotate the sheet. Repeat until you’ve used all your batter.
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▼  2014 (17) ►  March (4) ▼  February (12) Avocado Egg Breakfast Orange Blueberry activant solutions Smoothie Happy Valentine's Day!!! 1 Yr Blogiversary!! Valentine's Day Dinner Menu for you and Your Sweet... activant solutions Guest Post: Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons Valentine's Day Recipes: Cupcakes & Chocolate-y Ch... DIY: House Warming Gift British Popovers 1 Yr Blog Giveaway & Grilled Chicken Winter Salad DIY: Ice Candles Game Day Snacks: Buffalo Chicken Dip & Nutella Foo... ►  January (1) ►  2013 (73) ►  December (14) ►  November (2) ►  October (13) ►  September (9) ►  August (5) ►  March (14) ►  February (16)
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1. Red Velvet Chocolate Chip with Peppermint Frosting 2. Salted Caramel Mocha 3. Dark Chocolate Boston Creme 4. Lemon Lime 5. Oreo Cupcakes 6. Irish Car Bomb 7. Easter Coconut Confetti Cupcakes 8. Nutella Football Cupcakes
All Recipes Chef In Training activant solutions Cooking Light Katie Hall Creative Martha Stewart Miss Foodwise Brilliantly British Mix and Match Mama Pinterest Told Me To Richwood Creations activant solutions Simply Recipes Smitten activant solutions By Britain Sword & Plough Taste of Home The Girl Who Ate Everything What Kate Wore Williams-Sonoma