Saturday, August 30, 2014

Using the initial data exploration bac pol during the initial cases n Project: bac pol Analysis of

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Linear relationship. Assuming that the dependent variable y x, the arguments are as follows: bac pol the relationship.
To estimate the values of a and ß in the data. However, it is necessary for the error term ε is assumed. The a and ß are estimated by the least squares method (least square estimation) in view (whether the normal distribution, the expected value, a dispersion, etc) it. This is used to calculate the confidence interval, or t-test to the reliability of the estimated value of a and ß review. If multiple independent variable is the F test is used. (2) time series (Time series) model
Since it is useful to identify the: (autocorrelation, trend or seasonal variation example), a certain inner structure, measured over a period of several values. Produces nine minutes (decompose) to trend, seasonal (seasonal) and circular (cyclical) for this element. Was created on the basis of this autoregressive models (AR) and moving average (MA) model is utilized mainly as a lot of the model and then the model.
As a lay stretched on wooden shape the decisions series of alternative forecasting models to find the most important turning point for each step. That is, to find the proper response. Take the way to choose the most effective option is the best, where algorithms to find all the possible option after this. Find more than 2 child node from the parent node through bac pol it. Is applied recursively for each child node after this manner. Find the best split is the best option then to evaluate bac pol all possible. The method most commonly used is three. bac pol
Using the initial data exploration bac pol during the initial cases n Project: bac pol Analysis of overdue loan repayments
n Partitioning Scheme
In the example above, there was no need to categorize groups prefer fresh food from scratch, especially vegetable retailers. I need to find (like eg consumer behavior) work continuously instead of similarities. That is, the pattern can be found, without explanation or interpretation and why that question. However, it must be able to determine the meaning of their characteristic (identity) and by itself be senseless and profiles are widely bac pol assumed as a result cluster (resulting cluster) is. Cross-analysis (Cross Tabulation)
The neural network is a kind of random prediction, and learning how to update data while systematically applied to each of them. With a focus on self-learning techniques such as clustering (unsupervised bac pol learning). Often is used much fraud detection, credit rating (credit scoring), commercial analysis (store clustering) and so on.
Results obtained from the neural network are described and interpreted because it is less easy to deal with if the black-box process. This means that it may be difficult to keep track of which answers exactly to the derivation process. May be used when the work thus familiar with what you want when you are content with any degree of understanding of the nature of the input variables bac pol and the estimated parameters or modeling. Of course, in addition to prediction may also like clustering, outlier detection and variable selection can be used.
It is important to standardize the data are placed in the preparation bac pol (Data preparation) data is a complex process, in particular. And when to understand the relative importance of the input variables through a sensitivity analysis can be very complex relationships between the data, it is important bac pol to systematically analyze the relationship. For example, if fast, revealed naegoja exactly the relationship of various factors bac pol to the increase bac pol in profit if the abnormal (abnormal) data patterns is the frequency of transactions is high - for example, fraud - it is better to use a neural network model. At this point, it is important for such acts as a sort of black box and finding these relations to select multiple input variables to the formulation of a mathematical model of neural network models. This neural network has been implemented in the form of modules in many commercial and open source S / W is already in a state that can be applied bac pol relatively easily. (7) classification (classification)
to the data using a variety of patterns with clustering, classification, ranking, including bac pol the search and discovery - n SVM (Scalable bac pol Vector Machine).
'Nearest neighbors (NN)' The existing scheme because bac pol the new instance to unilaterally classify it in the same class and find the most similar instance in the classification problem for the new instance to a noisy dataset bac pol showed poor performance. bac pol The complement to this is shown by 'k-NN', only one data NN closest opposed viewing, the classification in the manner bac pol of a weighted sum of the k pieces of data closest to majority voting, or. In other words, going to see is also known as 1-NN NN.
The spatial information in the prediction model also looks not so random occurrence of a specific event is not even certain. In other words, factors bac pol (spatial bac pol environment factors) on the space that is, socio-cultural, bac pol topographic, will affect factors such as. The Geospatial predictive models expressed in the model that influence these things through the filter and geographic limitations and to utilize them to forecast.
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