Monday, June 2, 2014

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I do not know how many of the people who follow me know my this small detail, but share with those you know and those who do not. I wrote and published a book. The thing I most like to do in life is to write and always did since I can remember that I can write. I do not write everything properly and without errors, far from it. I write with love for writing mds collection and I think that little by little, turns out to be enough. When I realized just how my passion functioned better and today I know that I do not write well when I want, but when I write. I must admit I do not read much, you should mds collection definitely read a lot more, but when I read through passion'm able to absorb mds collection everything, including the lines. I take this freedom I have to give a genuine who reads what I write advice. When you find something in life that makes you think that for what is worth living do not let go, do not let go no matter how difficult mds collection it is to make her stay, but the truth is that this little feeling becomes the most powerful weapon mds collection to gain true happiness.
But talking about my book but it is very long. Published it in 2013 and it is without a doubt the biggest dream realized. When I wrote it I never imagined that came to be what it is today. For me not pass a draft word that I would reread whenever he wanted to return to the place that I created and only. The book is called "A place called Evalon" and was published by Editora Bodies. mds collection It is a novel that takes him all the best in me and everything good I liked it existed. It is written for people like me who live with their feet on the ground and eyes on the sky.
This book seems very interesting, I had never heard of it, but sometimes these less known books are the best we have ever met. I'll find out a little more of him, I became interested :)
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