Saturday, May 30, 2015

16:33 Berlin requires an explanation from Moscow because of the blacklist market basket haverhill m

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I was surprised that on February market basket haverhill ma 13 prominent economist and manager Sergei Aleksashenko suddenly came into controversy with me, rather than comment on the hot news on the eve of the court rejected his claim for 1 million rubles market basket haverhill ma to the former Russian presidential advisor Andrei Illarionov, said that before the 1998 default the first deputy chairman of the Russian Central Aleksashenko "played the GKO" like "and other insiders - people working directly in the power and authority."
Leaving on my conscience word about his role in the formation of the current regime, market basket haverhill ma Mr Aleksashenko decided to refute my "incomprehensible phrase" on the system liberals - those who for years have promised the public to first build a market economy, and only then do democracies: "We promised - we built in Russian market economy. In Russia, the main instrument of equilibrium in the economy is the price. It is a key feature of the market economy. market basket haverhill ma The Russians market basket haverhill ma found a freely convertible currency. I do not know what else you need to Garry for understanding the market economy ...
Second, in the 1990s and built the market economy and democracy! There were free elections in the State Duma, and the governors, and local level ... Let me remind market basket haverhill ma you that before the 2000s, the government did not have the majority in the Duma, had no support. And the ability of the government to pursue a policy without a majority market basket haverhill ma in the Duma, - these are the best checks and balances that are the foundation of the democratic market basket haverhill ma system. "
My position on this issue unexpected opponent explained that I "probably not very well remember Russian market basket haverhill ma history - that was 15-20 years ago." Fortunately, complain of memory I have not had to. But in everyday use to expose the myth of systemic liberals that are built in Russia and the market economy and democracy've repeatedly.
16:33 Berlin requires an explanation from Moscow because of the blacklist market basket haverhill ma
Let me start with democracy. In my opinion, market basket haverhill ma it is essential to understand market basket haverhill ma that Putin - this is not a random incident history, fatal mistake of Yeltsin and his entourage, and quite a predefined path of Russia's development, the logical consequence of the execution of the Parliament in October 1993. Yes, free elections were in 1991, and was a free referendum market basket haverhill ma for April 1993, but after the tragic events that occurred in October rolled downhill. Pressure administrative resources have been increasing market basket haverhill ma steadily, although, of course, the election of the 90 were still flowers compared to the elections of 2000, 2004 and so on. D.
For a long time would have to admit that after 1993, the question of power in fair elections do not dare. The primary task of the ruling elites was the retention of power at any cost. Once again two options in 1996, when Korzhakov & Co. advocated for the abolition of general presidential election and Chubais and Co. - for their "proper" conduct, and organized for the victory of Yeltsin election fraud then justified market basket haverhill ma as "necessary costs in dealing market basket haverhill ma with the communist evil. "
Further degradation of political life - a sad inevitability: extremely monopolized economy would lead to monopolization of political space. In terms of total public and economic expansion in the policy of free competition could not survive even at the regional level.
Against this background, it becomes a phantom key thesis Aleksashenko we de "was built in the Russian market market basket haverhill ma economy." Yes, at a stretch, we have available and freely formed prices, and other elements of the market. But with the same success it can be argued that the market economy is based in Iran! If you talk about a well-functioning modern economy, such as in the developed countries, then immediately there is a lot of uncomfortable questions.
For example, it would be interesting to know on what market (or in some office) formed multi-billion dollar price of the company "Sibneft", bought in 2005, "Gazprom", and who in fact was the seller in this transaction, and who - the buyer. But this is a relatively small issue.
Most importantly - the guarantee of inviolability of private property. Do they exist in Russia? Private property is sacred and inviolable really? market basket haverhill ma Or is it can take under some trumped-up "legitimate" excuse by the so-called law enforcement authorities, market basket haverhill ma ie by a raider seizure? .. On guarantees of the inviolability of private prop

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