"Financial News" team forward foodservice rewards Shenzhen site also found that when China is now the most ram cottage Tablet PC, can be completely without parts of Taiwan, Taiwan can sell what China?
The main reason for the impact from China's manufacturing supply chain, "homemade of" (localization).
Bullwhip effect is a kind of image distortion in the supply chain demand information passed description. The basic idea is: each node in the supply chain, companies only in production or supply foodservice rewards decisions based on demand information from its adjacent lower level of a firm, not the authenticity of demand information along the supply chain upstream, produced by level amplification of the phenomenon. When the information reaches the source of the suppliers, it needs to obtain information and practical needs of the consumer market in the customer information has undergone a drastic deviation. Because of this demand amplification with the effects of the supply side than the demand side we tend to maintain higher inventory foodservice rewards levels or that production preparation plan.
"Bullwhip effect" in today's supply chain management performance was undoubtedly the most prominent. In 1998, supply chain management foodservice rewards conferences organized by the United foodservice rewards Kingdom, one participant mentioned that in his European grocery company, production, supply chain undergoing such a phenomenon: get raw materials from fishing pier, after processing, distribution to Final sales of products in 150 days, although the consumer to obtain such goods did not feel well, and all the intermediate links are also in accordance with their original running with optimum efficiency, but the manager made a comparison of the data After feel very surprised, his entire process of product processing only occupies 150 days 45 minutes. Why such a long supply chain was pulled, and really most valuable, only 45 minutes, most of the aging is how wasted it? Management Law AL Continued foodservice rewards placebo effect Luvis Theorem Al Bader Theorem Blue Blue Bear Stearns law of black-box model law principles Albright trash theory Armstrong law rule Ash Blue Berg Theorem Theorem Lei Baofu rule Archer Boone Impossibility Theorem complain effect lazy ant effect Arrow's Theorem Edward Locke Iacocca employment law advice Latour Law Aaronson effect Runyan Law seesaw effect implied effect Aetna effect M amino acid composition effect Barrel Theory B Murphy's Law Peter Principle foodservice rewards is not worth mushrooms management Law Law Matthew Bell card effect effect effect MiG -25 effect Bowling Britt Theorem horse flies effect the law of elimination through law Babylon Berlin McClelland foodservice rewards Law Law Law Buffett target displacement effects Peters Law Deba white plum Hancock law Theorem Theorem Mo Sike the United States that is good effect Buli Dan Porter effect Maslow Bliss Theorem Man Dinuo Law Law Law Brown Potter phenomenon aggressive law caterpillar effect Burns Moore's Law Bliss barrel distortion on the principles of law N Byron celebrity ice cream philosophy catfish effect than the forest's law southerly Bonnie human law principle of the law of Nirenberg glass ceiling effect agglomeration effect Barnum effect principle halfway effects Nelson Hill seventeen term success of the principle of the law of Bernard effect cage effect Beibo O marginal effect Occam's razor Law Ogilvy spinach law rule the labeling effect Ao Disi law theory Ogilvy principle cup Bute horse sickness effect Overland transport foodservice rewards iron principle Stowe test PC crab Long Tail effect Pareto Principle hedgehog rules Parkinson's Law bullwhip effect Pygmalion Magnet law rule broken foodservice rewards window effect magnetic Pierce Law Cai goni effect bandwagon foodservice rewards effect leather Beijing Dayton Theorem Theorem Pierre Cardin authoritative effect Phi The Beatles rule Cai Ge Nike memory effect Jealousy Q overrun effects of globalization peer pressure chain's Law Jobs contagion effect of the law to participate in the law of mastiff dog Theorem succeed George frog law housebreak effect autumn Last Theorem fool rule D effect domino effect of strong competitors rule Qi plus Nick effect Davidow's law emotional effect inverted pyramid Management Act R locate hot stove rule rule rule Daiei flexible management rules Du Liao Theorem Confucianism, Buddhism and Dugan's Law Law Law Judith Locke advice humanity Theorem lighthouse effect | sharpening effect foodservice rewards Dawe Dov Law Law S De Nimo three race rule 杜嘉 watch law law law of dams DuPont-run Fadden threshold effect foodservice rewards first effect stack niche law patch effect wait effect Desi effect Dylan's law mere-exposure effect E raw fish double barrel distortion effects radiation effects theory theory foodservice rewards 250 pieces tunnel vision effect Law devil effect F 500 companies classic management rules contrasuggestibility effect Frost had just adapted foodservice rewards the rules of the law of the S & P Theorem flywheel effect Frisch law judge soap Schwartz given the potential effects of social loafing foodservice rewards effect feedback effect effect Schon Theorem Veblen effect Steele Law Fayol principles Steiner Theorem Theorem Fesneau Yazawa Feith's law rules "4 + 2" rule rejuvenation effect thinking anti-wood Su effect bucket works of Freud Slips forest effect peak-end rule G sage field theory reputation colleagues halo effect foodservice rewards T Gresham's law rule ancient Di Johnson Theorem body language to communicate flea effect difference effect Tremeur law of management communication to playing cat effect On TOLEDO have unlimited communication Theorem Theorem Terry Goodman's law rule Goode nails effect Gurley Theorem molt effect Koho principle fruit soup effect effect effect Troy argument over the grounds over the projection effect with group learning effect psychological effect function fixing head Fish theory foodservice rewards sensory deprivation experiment ostrich shovel test attitude change - candy experiment emotional effect W symbiotic effect Weite Lai Wang rule rule rule coopers theory Uzi Nearzenith Wilson's law Wilder Theorem H Planters Peanuts effect Weng Ge Mali effects test environment poised black hole effect butterfly effect Hawthorne effect Wolfson law Walton Washington foodservice rewards law cooperation Law Law monkey theory Watson Wang assertion reciprocal relation law principles Jie Hengli Welch's law rule Wendel tidal effect no discount rule Yokoyama law Waugh Terman's law rule Hain weapon effects monkey elephant law the law of New Barrel X Heller law rule confident of classic foodservice rewards Hobson selection effects salted slope sphere theory Wright Law Law Law Shapiro law Hamer bad apple law at West Point hope effect Heinrich law vanity effect harmony Theorem Y Harrow effect herding theory Yafoside principle J "100-1 = 0" law of wine and water law theories of motivation aquarium foodservice rewards effect doubling rule 100 Law goldfish bowl of the world effect ACO effect Giegler Theorem Theorem Jacobs foodservice rewards Gilbert Law imprinting effect Giger Theorem Jide Lin Law 150 law Yerkes-Dodson law competitive advantage effects Johnson effect prison role simulation duck stamps foodservice rewards spirit ratcheting effect recency effect Logical reasoning Effect Advantage enrichment effect precedence effect metal cutting test experience delays satisfy the law of cause and effect experiments K Krishna harsh law of heterosexual sex psychological effect Kuaiyu law Goose effect brewing effects have effect Kantor's law rule Z Cabernet Pig Game Theory Kerry singularity theorems crash theory Covey philosophy Carl Cen Theorem Theorem water boiled frog effect rigid effect from eating cubs effect L self-reference effect Rainier effect of self-selection effect a zero-sum game theory tents highest temperature effect Covey Theorem Theorem foodservice rewards Carl Jensen Cen Rainier effect effect diffusion of responsibility effect cockroach foodservice rewards effect seat comfort [edit]
The best way to solve the bullwhip effect is to reduce this whip as short as possible, such a change will cause minimal. Through efficient supply chain management system can reduce the bullwhip effect, directly reduce operating costs, to achieve the ideal of real-time response to customer needs. Efficient and integrated supply foodservice rewards chain is considered foodservice rewards to be the most effective weapon solutions. But some traditional models must change in order to achieve a real and efficient operation. Because the analysis, management foodservice rewards scientists believe that the question is not whether the supply chain management, but that did not pass the new management model, especially in distribution and inventory management methods.
Traditionally, because the supply chain is to manage foodservice rewards every aspect of inventory, inventory control has its own objectives and corresponding strategies, and the lack of communication of information between each other, each exclusive inventory information, it inevitably creates the need for information distortion and delay, so that suppliers can not quickly and accurately to meet the needs of users. The main problem in the rapid response to the needs of users throughout the supply chain, each link of the supply chain activities should be carried out simultaneously, and the traditional inventory and distribution management thinking clearly unable to meet this requirement, must begin to solve the problem foodservice rewards from both . First appeared foodservice rewards in a foreign country a new supply chain inventory management - VMI (Vender Managed Inventory, vendor-managed inventory), foodservice rewards is becoming avoid "bullwhip effect" breakthrough manufacturing. Traditional inventory management VMI and RMI (Retailer Managed Inventory, retailer-managed inventory) is completely the opposite. Stock is not managed by the respective companies, but as co-management of both supply and demand "Third-party inventory."
Demand amendment refers to a member of the supply chain when using the direct orders data as downstream demand information and evidence, it will generate demand amplification. For example, in the marketing campaign, foodservice rewards if the retailer's highest monthly sales of 1000, but next month coincided with major festivals, in order to ensure continued sales of goods, he will then an additional A% month on the basis of the highest sales volume, and he Wholesalers their superiors foodservice rewards order (1 + A%) 1000 件. Summary wholesalers in the region is expected to post sales (assume) to 12,000, he needs to ensure retailers foodservice rewards added an additional B%, so he orders to manufacturers (1 + B%) 12000 件. Manufacturers need to ensure goods wholesaler, though he knows which overstated, but he did not know the circumstances, he had at least according to (1 + B%) 12000 件 production, and for the sake of security, taking foodservice rewards into account damage, leakage after booking, etc., he added the amount of production, so bookings increased layer by layer, resulting in the "bullwhip effect."
In the supply chain, each enterprise will be its upstream order, under normal circumstances, the seller will not be an order to the supplier to the higher order once, but considering the basis of the inventory and transportation costs, in one cycle, or aggregated to a certain number and then orders to suppliers; order to reduce the frequency, reduce costs and avoid stock-out risk, sellers tend to increase the order quantity in accordance with the best economy of scale. Meanwhile frequently orders will increase the workload and costs vendors, suppliers foodservice rewards often require sellers to order a certain amount or a certain period, then the seller to get the full amount as soon as possible to get the goods or goods, or to prepare for contingencies foodservice rewards There will artificially increase the order quantity, so, since ordering policy led to the "bullwhip effect."
Stock liability imbalances ordering foodservice rewards demand amplification. In marketing operations, the usual practice is to Distribution suppliers, vendors foodservice rewards selling until after the completion of the settlement. This result is due to system vendors need to follow foodservice rewards the vendor responsible for the order before the settlement amount in the seller (wholesalers, retailers) the goods to the seller of the designated place, and the seller does not bear the cost of transporting the goods; in occurs when damage to the cargo or oversupply, suppliers need to bear exchange, return and other related losses, so that responsibility for nature stock transfer to the vendor, so that the seller is in a favorable foodservice rewards position. At the same time when the trader poor cash flow, because there are a lot of inventory can use as an asset, so vendors will use these inventory barter with other suppliers, regardless of vendor or price regulations, low-cost shipping, accelerate capital returns, thus alleviating the plight of cash flow; again, foodservice rewards the distributor foodservice rewards has a large number of stocks can be used as the game with the supplier of the chips. Therefore, vendors generally tend to increase the order quantity to seize the initiative, foodservice rewards which will inevitably lead to "bullwhip foodservice rewards effect."
Response to environmental variation resulting uncertainty also contributed to increased demand amplification of orders practical reasons. Natural environment, human environment, changes in the policy environment and the social environment will enhance market uncertainty. One of the most important means vendors address the impact of these uncertainties is to keep the stock, and with the uncertainty of these enhancements, inventory foodservice rewards will also change. When the prediction uncertainty is artificially dyed declared, foodservice rewards or the formation of a more common understanding, in order to cope with these uncertainties maintain safety stock, vendors will increase orders, the uncertainty of risk transfer to the supplier, foodservice rewards which also It will lead to "bullwhip effect."
From a supplier's point of view, not all sellers (wholesalers, retailers) the status foodservice rewards and role are the same. According to Pareto's law, they are plenty of general vendors, some important vendors, some key vendors and key vendors proportion accounted for about 20%, has achieved 80% of sales. foodservice rewards Therefore, suppliers should be based on certain criteria will be classified vendors for different foodservice rewards vendors foodservice rewards divided into different levels of their order levels of management, such as orders for the implementation of the general vendors meet management, vendor orders for important full management, key vendors for perfect order management, so that you can live through the tube key vendors and key vendors to reduce the mutation probability; when in short supply, priority in order to ensure that key vendors; suppliers can also graded management strategy at the right time to eliminate unqualified vendors, to maintain the unity of vendors and channel management normative.
This approach has been well some excellent business applications, the effect is obvious, such as 3M's key customers for his perfect order service. In order to improve the quality of service to ensure that key customers, 3M company introduced foodservice rewards a call
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