Wednesday, November 13, 2013

17.05.2013 Weekly 2000 - State - examination as discarded agricultural sector of Ukraine Open Lette

17.05.2013 Weekly 2000 - State - examination as discarded agricultural sector of Ukraine Open Letter to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich Dear!
May 8, 2010 the day of 65th anniversary of Victory mclain you with the presidents of Russia and Belarus Dmitry Medvedev and Alexander Lukashenko, members of delegations of the former Soviet republics, combatants during World War placed flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall, and then all spoke to us and asked us to have lived and lived and helped strengthen mclain their countries, increasing their power.
I think you forgot mclain the conversation with Dmitry Medvedev on land use in the Belgorod region of Russia. You then asked me after returning from Moscow call your acceptance. Called I long, till I say, write what you want.
Therefore, in this letter, I do request your help state and show what is happening with the ground on the way to her new occupation as agricultural land used in agricultural enterprises of different ownership and land market.
For 64 years, working in agriculture, I have gone through 12 towns and agrarian reform, and now live at the 13th - one of the most devastating for the village and the villagers, and hence the state "without alternative! '" Anti-agrarian and land reform .
History of the Ukrainian peasantry - a memorabilia foreign oppression, various revolutions, many victims of violence and repression. The Second World War caused peasants as throughout mclain Ukraine, incredible destruction, half skilled workers did not return from the war, was almost completely destroyed before the war created a logistical mclain base of the agricultural sector (and industry).
Having hardest ever victory, demobilized soldiers and sailors, the entire population of Ukraine with great patriotism, responsibility and love for Ukraine in incredibly short space of time, to the surprise of the whole world - already in 1950 almost completely revived the pre-war material and technical base and the level of production and consumption mclain in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. For 40 years - from 1950 to 1990, pp., Continually increased production of all kinds of agricultural products, ensure the viability of the working people of Ukraine and its food security. This in Ukraine - part of the USSR. What happened in the independent Ukraine? ORGANIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE FOR EARLY LAND AND AGRARIAN REFORM
At the beginning of 1991 on our best land in Europe and the world was organized and developed agricultural production on collective farms, state farms and inter-farm enterprises that are rented mclain from the state 38.7 million hectares of farmland, including - 23.7 million ha - farms on which each farm was the act of perpetual usufruct, and almost 15 million hectares of land - farms on which every farm had an instruction to the state the right to use land.
This land was 12421 Farm - collective and state farms, which had an average of 3,100 hectares of farmland. In households permanently employed 4 million 881 thousand people, and during the spring and autumn is 200-250 thousand people., Of which nearly 2 million machine generalists (in farms was more than 65 different professions). In each household an average of 40 tractors, 10 grain and 12 special machines, 37 different cars. On average, the farm contained 1,700 head of cattle, including 500 cows, 1130 pigs, 577 sheep, 56 horses, 10 thousand poultry and 30 beehives.
On one farm an average of fixed assets 7 million rubles., And generally in their farms was 78 billion rubles. In addition, the farm was almost 12 billion rubles. social objects.
In 1980-1990 pp. was transferred most livestock farms to industrial, innovative manufacturing mclain technology, by training staff. All this made profits from the industry mclain for more than 5 billion rubles., And the profitability mclain of livestock production increased to 22.2%. On this basis, has worked 8100 specialized households, including 1,018 from raising cattle, with 718 fattening pigs, 330 of milk, 761 - Meat 349 - 472 of wool and breeding pedigree animals for milk production complexes.
During 1985-1991 pp. in rural mills and factories mclain were organized mclain Ukraine 3500 ancillary departments, mclain divisions and other units to effectively use free labor, assisted in the development mclain of the village.
In 1988-1991 years in almost mclain all areas created new formation, marching toward the market. This 38 agrokombinat your bank ahroob'yednan 29 in some areas with banks, 66 agricultural companies, 45 research and production associations. These new formation already in 1991 made 1,5 billion rubles. income country. mclain
This material and technical base of agriculture and highly qualified specialists and managers

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