The Rétrorigolo institute keeping in mind the constant worries make you travel to the past, today presents the first step in a little trip back in time ...... then go back to the blessed time of the early 60 .... Do not craingant the laws of quantum physics, nor of the nostalgia we will show you the various departments of the new chain stores Woolco adhoc cash rays. Here is the general appearance of the store that will be visited ..... Note the new concept .... Suburban .... This means that suitable adhoc cash parking is full to the brim with very pretty cars ... D ' an architectural point of view there is not much to say about this building ... Looks like a giant matchbox adhoc cash in which people love to come and blaze their pay! Approach somewhat and we will zieuter in some departments ..... Follow me. Here is the haberdashery department ...... Wow! What style! Obviously menswear was very colorful at this time ... Here are the choices .... Black, adhoc cash gray, brown, brown or chocolate!! It is worth noting the small radius .... Obviously the gentleman at this time dressed in a very conventional way .... We can understand please a few years later the color taken an important place in fashion . Note the gentleman that we can see to the left of the photo look carefully complete (click image to make it larger ...) Looks like the mayor Labaume currently shopping! Continue .... Here the radius dedicated to women's fashion ...... And yes ladies, your husbands will be very proud to see you in these beautiful clothes adhoc cash when he comes back office adhoc cash ..... I like the red carpet ..... with a nice pattern that resembles very much like the logo of the Montreal Expo as drawing adhoc cash by an artist reaches parkinson which is returned at the end of his second bottle of wine! But enough chatter .... Let us next department: We are given the radius of the machine for children .... This may seem to believe, but it difficiel apperts both madams here this would be mothers whose children are still young! Note that the background wearing glasses Nana Mouscouri ... And the dearest person on the front plant proudly displays a hat whose outlandish appearance is similar to those found on the pumpkin Her Majesty Elizabeth! ! You need to specify that this is anything but photographs photography "alluring" type! But continue ..... We are back in the "ladies' fashion" section ..... But what do I see?? And yes it is that Mr. Bélisle s relationship with George committed rays .... Listen to their words: Mr. Bélisle: So you wish you get this dress. George: Yeah ...... I like his style .... And I'm a little tired of wearing dark suits! -I see ..... Note that I understand you .... But I think my wife is going tonight to her bridge club ... So if you want to come for a ride home .......... And do not forget to put this dress! Meanwhile we can see to the left of Mrs. Gagnon observed without much hope to stage screen! Stay tuned to follow after our visit in our next publication.
Beautiful decades 60-70? Is this really the case? Here is a blog where you can rinse the eye finding there pretty pictures of this blessed time! The shopping centers, advertising, fashion, without forgetting the menu décoration.Voici I propose.Le you all will be accompanied by comments that will, at least I hope you Déridez somewhat! Nostalgia is not always a serious matter and that beauty adhoc cash can rub the ridiculous! Photos Comments:
2013 (2) January (2) 2012 (27) December (2) October adhoc cash (2) September (5) August (1) July (2) May (1) March (1) February (4) January (9) 2011 ( 101) December (7) November (10) October (8) September (11) August (12) July (11) June (9) May (9) April (7) March (5) February (5) January (7) 2010 (95) December (10) November (4) October (5) September (10) August (15) July (1) June (3) May (10) April (3) March (5) February (9) January ( 20) 2009 (114) December (17) November (7) October (6) September (9) August (8) July (7) Lost in Space! ... Eating in front of the TV! Go to Woolco Concluded! Let's go to the Woolco prise2 Woolco 1 Line In such Jette! adhoc cash Where are we? June (19) May (9) April (9) March (3) February (10) January (10) 2008 (42) December (16) November (18) October (8)
Doctor encounters a rather funny-mid-forties man, quick-witted, creative .... and develop a thinking kind of eclectic! Also passionate about creating and nostalgia he wants to communicate his passion for his modest humorous reflections on the year 50-60-70 View my complete profile
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