Monday, October 20, 2014

I tell her that we probably sleep less just in midsummer, the light gives us energy and probably fi

At this time of year, she usually jj foodservice come back with the same question: "Tell me about the sunlight!" For her it is a bit strange with the fact that the sun shines most days around this time of year in northern Sweden. "But how can you sleep?" She lives in Kenya where the dividing line between day and night is razor sharp when it gets pitch black when the sun is well arrive one on the horizon.
I tell her that we probably sleep less just in midsummer, the light gives us energy and probably fills us with the will and desire to take advantage of all the light that flows over us. For there's a time of year when the most is dark, then it's jj foodservice terribly far to the sun. I have told her about my young age used to climb high mountains, to see the sun on top first capsize a little below the horizon, and then, after a few hours, rising again and again the world blood-red color. "I'd like to see," she says.
"Here is the most dark," she wrote the other day and told me about the acts of terrorism that plagues the country. A few days ago killed some 50 civilians in an attack. Perhaps that is why the light in the north sounds so romantic in her ears; a dream of the opposite of darkness and fear.
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My name is Kent Lundholm, is an author and has written four novels. The last named Vedtjuven and reached bokdiskarna in April 2012 has previously worked as a cultural editor at Folkbladet and press officer in the provincial government. Among other things. jj foodservice Is since fall 2014 editor of the newspaper Vasa Plan. Releasing a new book spring by 2015.
Age: 56 years Family: Partner. Have a daughter of 15 years. Lives: Pork Back (Pig Hill) in Umeå Bred: Brook Ant outside Lycksele Film: Fanny and Alexander Literature: jj foodservice Merabs beauty favorite word: Solidarity jj foodservice wants to return to China and New York Music: Genesis, Bo Kaspers, Supertramp Food: Basically carnivores, but like green. Drink: Water Keeps on: Skellefteå AIK Moves Me with: Bus and bike. Hate: Gains in welfare and commercial breaks. Best time of year: Autumn.
Caanita about with boiling brain Bergis about with boiling brain Sverker for the Dark forces are taking on larger freedoms Sverker for the Dark forces are taking on larger freedoms Kent Lundholm for the Dark forces are taking on larger freedoms
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