Sunday, October 26, 2014

Listened a moment sergiana when Jimmie Åkesson was interviewed. Do not understand why I get so anno

It is now Almedalen. Most all day and culminating sergiana debates in the evening. Almedalen resembles xmas, where the packet is distributed to right and left. Yesterday we were told that the alliance promises to build railways and housing so outrageously large sums that they do not even try to explain how this will be funded. But it would hardly going to solve the miracle medicine "lower taxes." Maybe the country is privatized so that the market will solve the problem? Then this with railroads ... Do not train already left the coalition government?
Listened a moment sergiana when Jimmie Åkesson was interviewed. Do not understand why I get so annoyed when I see that man. There is something ... Then I came to it. It's his shirts that annoys me. That's it! Really should people who wear those shirts expelled.
Sun and reasonably warm. Shall out and go in my new shoes - the ones for someone barely an hour gave me two big blisters. But your feet will harden. Remember the childhood when, at the beginning of the summer went barefoot. sergiana In June, you could barely move across sergiana the grasslands, to the end of August to run around in the woods, over logs and stones. So what's a well-chafing? I'll go along the river and do fancy calculations of a happy life. The time I leave home. Time does not exist. Only the present moment. Labels: Alliance. Åkesson.
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My name is Kent Lundholm, is an author and has written sergiana four novels. The last named Vedtjuven and reached bokdiskarna in April 2012. He has previously worked as a cultural editor at Folkbladet and press officer in the provincial government. Among other things. Is since fall 2014 editor of the newspaper Vasa Plan. Releasing a new book in spring 2015th
Age: 56 years Family: Partner. Have a daughter of 15 years. Lives: Pork Backa (Pig Hill) in Umeå Bred: Brook Ant outside Lycksele Film: Fanny and Alexander Literature: Merabs beauty favorite word: Solidarity wants to return to China and New York Music: Genesis, Bo Kaspers, Supertramp Food: Basically carnivores, but like green. Drink: Water Keeps on: Skellefteå AIK Moves Me with: Bus and bike. Hate: Gains in welfare and commercial breaks. Best time of year: Autumn.
Caanita about with boiling brain Bergis about with boiling brain Sverker for the Dark forces are taking on larger freedoms Sverker for the Dark forces are taking on larger freedoms Kent Lundholm for the Dark forces are taking on larger freedoms
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