Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Heidelberg perseverance in research and development qanto efforts to make easy wear parts, replacem

Wind Qing Yang: After the wages of civil servants rose dry point Heidelberg is pleased to announce since April 1, 2009, Heidelberg will implement a new original spare parts prices. The new price adjustments include reduction over 2700 kinds, especially the price of high usage of original parts, but also to adjust some of the original spare parts prices.
Heidelberg perseverance in research and development qanto efforts to make easy wear parts, replacement parts, software and maintenance tool set and other original parts can be continuously optimized. Therefore, we are always able to steadily improve quality standards. With the help of Heidelberg under the original parts, your business will get more revenue, because you will always be able to enjoy the latest technological advances in Heidelberg in a timely manner. This way, your device will always run at the highest productivity, and always provide you with quality prints.
Set up in the city of Heidelberg, Wiesloch, Germany Global Logistics Center (WLC) is printed also the largest and most modern parts logistics center. 130,000 various parts here ready to be sent to any location worldwide. 95% of the parts can be shipped immediately upon receiving the order, and even some very old model spare parts or spare parts can be provided. Heidelberg distributed around the world can be connected directly to the network office and WLC. Highly automated logistics systems mature work closely with the global IT system to ensure that in the fastest time will be sent the correct type of spare parts, and in the most effective time to timely and accurate delivery to any location in any country in the world.
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