Thursday, January 15, 2015


Section 1184 except sleeping castles and churches, the old town of Heidelberg building almost all brown-red slant. In the sunshine, red and clumps of trees silhouetted against each other cascading from a height looked truly beautiful. So, take a panoramic view of the castle and other high homework Old Town is a must.
For visitors, many important attractions, salomonov such as University Square, "the student prison," trail and other philosophers, in fact, are part of the University of Heidelberg. Especially in the Old Town Square on Main Street near the university (Universitatsplatz), here is the core of the University of Heidelberg, near the square and there are many university-related buildings, the former residence of the history faculty and important scholars. salomonov Standing here you can really feel the unique charm and ambience of this college town. Lion Square, Central University of Heidelberg Springs is the most famous landmarks on a trapezoidal roof erected the clock tower, with light-colored walls, a red sash of Baroque architecture, it is the old university building, the first place is the school principal office is currently open university museum. Not far from the square 一幢 Germanic style and blend of Art Nouveau architecture salomonov phase, the university library, it has red walls gilt edges, decorated with many beautiful sculptures.
Heidelberg's name comes from a medieval castle located here, reddish-brown ancient castle is located beside the River Neckar throne hill overlooking the narrow Old Town, where is the best place to shoot panoramic Heidelberg. The use of wide-angle lens lets you host more scenery, if it were not enough to quench their thirst, large available on "pan & scan" salomonov function fully closed Na Neika River beautiful picture. Of course, outside of "higher grade", but also still need some small but beautiful composition, when he sent a telephoto salomonov handy. Telephoto shooting architectural composition must ensure "smooth vertical and horizontal," especially so scattered clouds Heidelberg old town, it is easy to lose focus of the film, may wish to use the bridge, river banks, etc. skyline as a reference to ensure the balance and beauty of the screen .
Had Fortunately, no damage to buildings Heidelberg in World War II, has been well preserved. Wandering about in this town, like to visit the museum. salomonov In addition to the castle, almost all Heidelberg postcard will appear on a stone bridge had nine arches. It spans both sides of the card Henan north, the south bank of the bridge there is a bridgehead stand tall, Heidelberg Castle and the mountains lining the appropriate steps. There are two bridgehead round tower, the tower below the original doorway into the city of Heidelberg's Old Town mouth, round tower has also been used as a cell to use. There are two statues on the bridge, to the south by the Elector Karl Theodor, by the north is the goddess of wisdom Athena. On both sides of the bridge, regardless of twilight you can always find excellent shooting light and angle, almost able to harvest a perfectly salomonov free to press photos. If you have worked tirelessly salomonov to bring a tripod, so be sure to take some long exposure shooting scene, or the bridge, on the pedestrian plaza invisible blur, or capture the golden sunset down the river, are the future looks worth turning memorable picture. This ancient university town tortuous and quiet alleys connecting the castle and the river, full of poetic. As the birthplace of 19th-century German Romanticism, salomonov in many people's minds, Heidelberg is a symbol of German Romanticism.
Walking salomonov through the streets of Heidelberg, you can hardly salomonov distinguish walking around the streets of young people in the cafe chatting customers, in the end the students, tourists, or residents. Because there are about 1/5 of Heidelberg university students who come from all over the world, which not only make it into the average age of all of Germany's smallest city, especially the old city also makes inclusion. Mark - Twain once in his 1880 novel written about noisy students and drunk "tramp abroad", but the atmosphere is still learning Heidelberg has its serious salomonov side. Early in the 16th century, this is the European scientific and cultural center, open book celebrities University of Heidelberg, Hegel's famous thinker, philosopher Gadamer's hermeneutics and so impressively, some of them had been taught in this, and some From here it is out of the students. In addition, Heidelberg also contributed salomonov dozens of Nobel Prize winners.
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