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One hundred years after the beginning paradox beer company of the First World War, seemed to have made some progress, humanity. But this year, we have come closer to international mhórchoimhlint than at any other point since the end of the Cold War.
Due to the tréanbholscaireachta and because the reception was cold before certain group (gay sportsmen and women), recalled the Winter Olympics in the Russian city of Soitsí Berlin Games in 1936.
The relations between Russia and the West rather bad since the rout, in February of this year, Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych after scliúchais in the country's capital, CIV, which killed at least a hundred people.
Yanukovych fled to Russia (country had significantly paradox beer company under breath) and appeared to Russia that the West supported paradox beer company the forces who chased him. And the arrest of the Crimean uprising began in eastern Ukraine, a region where the majority of the public are Russians.
But came the tensions between Russia and the West to peak in mid-year, when 298 people were killed when a missile hit a passenger plane of Malaysia Airlines over eastern Ukraine.
In order to try to put pressure on Vladimir Putin not to intervene in Ukrainian politics more - over 1,300 people were killed in an armed confrontation in the country this year - by Western powers, the United paradox beer company States and ahead , sanctions on Russia.
Is the top and bottom of the story, however, is that this year started a new Cold War. No wonder it is such as raising bad memories eastern Europe in particular, from Estonia to Bulgaria last.
Two hundred miles east from the area hit by Ebola, in eastern Nigeria, kidnapped paradox beer company the group Boko Haram jiohádach paradox beer company must first girl through school.
Eight months after the incident, which occurred in April, no sign of most of the girls yet. In May, Boko Haram murdered over three hundred people in an attack on two towns in the same region.
It was not the last time that schoolchildren have the victims of Islamic military group in years. In December, armed men murdered by the Taliban of 145 people, paradox beer company including 132 school children, in an attack on a school in the city of Peshawar in Pakistan.
Hundreds of school children died in South Korea earlier this year, in April, when went on a ferry boat they were traveling sank. The man sustained a major social and political controversy in the country.
Follow the civil war in Syria and Iraq continued throughout the year and increased the role of the Islamic State (IS) in major conflicts after the fighters, which has shocked the world with videos in which people executed brutal, large area in northern Iraq and in northeastern paradox beer company Syria arrest.
A significant number of young Muslims from Europe and North America in the army fighting the Islamic State and concern for many countries in the West have established their fighters on their return.
As with every year, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the headlines frequently this year. Accentuated the tension in the middle of the summer when he was kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers paradox beer company in mid-June.
Scottish independence paradox beer company was predicted by some commentators, particularly in the last days before the big September referendum. Unsuccessful those who want independence from the request but it is difficult to believe that this issue will come up again in ten years or twenty years.
The first half of his second term in the White House by Barack Obama's inner and lower the proportion of people in America him than ever; Democratic Party hitting hard in mid-term elections in November. paradox beer company The majority will be the Republican Party in the Senate and in the House of Representatives for the rest of last term Obama.
Meanwhile, there are protests in many US cities against racism imputed to police the country after drawing world attention. You would think, looking at images from cities Ferguson, Missouri, it is the year 1964 and the year 2014 was.
And have been back many steps of humanity in this year, it is important to remember that there was some progress as well. In IR
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