Historical Development of Instructional Design Burrhus Frederic (BF) Skinner (1904-1990) is Bloom defender of mastery learning model of cognitive learning theory. Bloom 's taxonomy is located on the 6th level and requires a different way of thinking people of all levels. 6 levels of the questions that were asked in order to deal with all kinds of cognitive processes all of the teachers must also take place. These six are classified as hierarchical level are given below: 1.Bilg 2. Clutch 3.Uygul but 4.Analiz 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Glaser: Behavioral one of the main proponents of the learning model learning model. Gagne: one cognitive kaos clothing domain theory proponents of cognitive learning theory. Scriven: Evaluation of measurement results in general means to reach a value judgment by comparing a criteria. Has won in the designated student teaching kaos clothing purposes can be expressed by two forms of evaluation; The process of evaluation, product evaluation (Figure 1). Process evaluation was put forward in 1967 by Michael Scriven. Process evaluation of the applied design kaos clothing to determine how efficient, and failing to identify missing aspects and done in order to get the necessary measures kaos clothing to remedy them. Instructional Design and Technology Development First Period (1920-1940): Instructional kaos clothing Technology appears in the media in 1960 and 1970: Instructional Technology appears as Process 1990: Teaching seen beyond being Process Technology New Era (since 1990): The Media, Systematic Instruction to accept the role of Design and Performance Technology. Close Period (2000s): didactical Design kaos clothing and Technology History instructional kaos clothing technologies based on 30-40 years has been defined in various kaos clothing ways in different periods. In recent years, with the participation in this definition kaos clothing as long as non-performance technologies and instructional elements of "Instructional Design and Technology" has been evolved.
(Ödev3) Example of behavioral text (1) (ödev3) Instructional Design (1) (Homework 4) Instructional kaos clothing Design (1) (Homework4) Pioneers of Instructional Design (1) (ödev5) Gagne's Nine Learning Theory and Education Application (1 ) to be held by the constructivist approach bilişselv (1) the non-linear kaos clothing and complex regulation (1) Hierarchical (1) the information on a text example; Linear (1)
2011 (9) March (9) (ödev5) Gagne's kaos clothing Nine Learning Theory and Education ... (Homework4) Instructional Design (Homework4) of Instructional Design Pioneers (ödev3) kaos clothing Instructional Design (ödev3) Example of behavioral text, bilişselv to ... (ödev3) information on a text example; Auth ... (Homework2) Historical Development of Instructional Design Time ... (Homework1) Educational kaos clothing Technologist, Instructional Designer and Tilt ... Instructional Design Model What is it?
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