Talking about population certainly will not be separated from a variety of factors will affect the state ang of the population in the region. Therefore, various kinds of teeori has developed and issued a lot to discuss this issue. people of market basket
Although people of market basket the population problem has long been discussed among the public, but only around the century - 18, many of which began to systematically analyze the population problem. Although many experts who wrote about the issue of population in the world, but among the characters that are considered expert in classical population was Thomas Malthus and Karl Marx, while for the next generation people of market basket of the most prominent is Warren Thompson with the demographic transition theory.
The first person people of market basket to write systematically about the dangers than the population growth was Thomas Malthus. He is one of a pastor and also the British economic policy experts. In 1978 he published a book on population analysis entitled "Essay On The Principle of Population" and maintains his view that "natural law" or natural laws that affect or determine population growth. According to Malthus, people of market basket the population would always grow faster than the increase in food ingredients, except hampered people of market basket because of what he mentioned as a moral restrains, such as disease outbreaks people of market basket or disaster. people of market basket
According mark the greater number of people, the more food production is generated. Mark denied to some opinions, among others: Limiting population growth, the human population does not suppress food but affect employment opportunities. Oppose the efforts of moral restraint, the capitalist system is the cause of poverty because it reduces labor costs, and labor to replace the engine power. Also occur due to capital cut labor costs.
In this case, the mark provides an alternative to the problem of food with emphasis on changes in the capitalist people of market basket system to a socialist, mastery of the means of production by the workers, denial of pay cuts on the workers.
With the preparation of this paper students are expected to understand whether it is demographics, rate and ratio measurements, demorafi factors that affect the growth of life, fertility, morbidity, mortality, migration and life expectancy.
In harpiah Demographics derived from the Greek words demos - residents and Grafien - writing or writings on population means. More details Demography is the science of human population dynamics people of market basket study include the size, structure, distribution of the population and how people change over time due to births, deaths, migration and aging. Analysis of the population as a whole can refer people or groups based on criteria such as education, nationality, religion, or certain etensitas.
Demographics quantitative (sometimes called Formal Demography - Demography and natural) use more calculations and mathematical statistics. But the demographics that are more qualitative aspects of population describe people of market basket descriptive analytic.
Rate: measurements of an important event that occurred in the community people of market basket (vital events) and measurement of a pain that happens in the community, in need of a style called gauge rate and ratio.
Ratio is also called as the proportion of the states part of a population, for example, a population group = n consists of a and b, if we want to declare the proportion of group A to B, then we have to calculate using the formula a / (na) for stated proportions.
The number people of market basket of patients in a hospital are 150 people with gender male 90 men and 60 women, convene patient ratio of male to female, and if computed the proportion is 90 (150-60) people of market basket = 1.5 compared to female patients .
In contrast to the rate used to menyatakn frequency distribution of an event or a situation that occurs in a population that is being dioobservasi, for example, the number of deaths of country b 1990 was 3000, with a total population of people when diitunng 3.000.0000 death rate is (3000/3.000.000) x 1000 = 1 person per 1000 population.
The birth can be interpreted as the result of a real reproduction of a woman or group of women. Fertility is true natality population based on the number of births occurring. This understanding is used to indicate the number of people. Fertility is also called the birthrate.
d. Live births (live birth) is a child who is born alive (showing signs of life) at birth, regardless of the length in the womb, although eventually died.
f. & Nbs
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