Saturday, July 19, 2014

This means that every 1,000 women aged 15-49 years during the childbearing years bayi.Kelemahan 133

Problems recently discussed is the issue of population. Population in the world from year to year is always increasing. After the end of World War II, the few in the world, a kind of "baby western beverage boom", which resulted in the "population boom" which is often referred to as "population explotion" (population explosion). Symptoms is seen in countries emerging. It is as if as a reaction to compensate for the many residents who perished as a result of the war, by producing a baby as much as possible, western beverage so that people who perished as a result of the war, indeed, within certain limits the number of population is a strength.
In an era of development as it is today, is also required human resources (human resources) are tough, quality, has a skill (skill) and spesialis.Sebab innovation, modern technology and investment can make to improve the state of the population actually prosperity. western beverage [1] However, population growth can also be a burden where demand for natural resources will also increase and this will cause problems to meet the needs of our tersebut.Sehingga make this paper to find the causes of the population dynamics western beverage of the problem, what are the problems posed and how to solve it.
Fertility (birth) is one component of population growth is increasing the number of known fertility penduduk.Selain another term that is birthrate and birth (birth). Higher birth rate in a country the higher the population of the country.
This means that every 1,000 residents for one year bayi.Perhitungan bore 40 is said to be rough, because the denominator (population) included all the inhabitants, men, women, children and the elderly, who do not actually give birth.
The goodness of this method is a simple calculation, being kelemahannnya is not truly reflect the fertility rate because the population including children, the elderly, men and women and so on, which is not the entire population of childbirth. General Fertility Rate (GFR) or the birth rate General General Fertility Rate is the number of live births western beverage per thousand women aged 15-49 years of age in mathematical tertentu.Secara can be written:
This means that every 1,000 women aged 15-49 years during the childbearing years bayi.Kelemahan 133.34 This calculation is despite being grouped in women aged 15-49 years, but not grouped in each age group separately for the young and the old have fertility rates the berbeda.Sedang goodness, this calculation, more carefully than the CBR, for residents only women aged 15-49 years and women infertile. Age Specific western beverage Fertility Rate (ASFR) Age Specific Fertility Rate is a calculation fertility rate of women in each age group and in this group the tertentu.Pengukuran women aged 15-49 years, into smaller groups, such as the 5-year intervals and their record number western beverage of births that occur on each of the class intervals, for one year.
Age Specific Marital Fertility Rate is the measurement to compare the number of births in one year, in the age group of women who are smaller, the number of women who marry at older age group and the same small group in a year multiplied by a constant.
Factors that affect the level of fertility population: Ø The driving factors births western beverage (pronatalitas) assumption western beverage that a lot of kids a lot of sustenance. Human nature to want to continue the descent. Early marriage (young age). The notion that boys higher value, when compared with girls, so for families who do not have the boys will try to have a boy. The presence of a high appraisal of the child, so for families who do not have children will seek how to make having children. Ø Limiting Factors birth (antinatalitas) The family planning program (KB). Progress in the field of science and medicine. Government regulation of child allowance restrictions for civil servants. The existence of laws that restrict and regulate marriage marriage age. Delay the age of marriage for reasons of economy, education and career. Feelings of shame when having many children.
b) Age Specific Death Rate (ASDR) Age Specific Death Rate is the number of deaths in a specific population based on age classification tertentu.Risiko death will differ from one person to another, people age 40 will have a higher risk of death than the people 20-year-old.
k = a constant, usually driving factor of 1,000 deaths (promortalitas) The existence of an outbreak western beverage of diseases such as dengue fever, avian flu and so on. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and so on. Health and nutrition western beverage of low population. Ad

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