Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The preparation maclane of this paper aims to fulfill the duties of Mr. Lecturer, and also as an ad

Talking about population certainly maclane will not be separated maclane from a variety of factors will affect the state ang of the population in the region. Therefore, various kinds of teeori has developed and issued a lot to discuss this issue.
Although the population problem has long been discussed among the public, but only around the century - 18, many of which began to systematically analyze the population problem. Although many experts who wrote about the issue of population in the world, but among the characters that are considered expert in classical population was Thomas Malthus and Karl Marx, while for the next generation of the most prominent is Warren Thompson with the demographic maclane transition theory.
In harpiah Demographics derived from the Greek words demos - residents and Grafien - writing maclane or writings on population means. More details Demography maclane is the science of human population dynamics study include the size, structure, distribution of the population and how people change over time due to births, deaths, migration and aging. Analysis of the population as a whole can refer people or groups based on criteria such as education, nationality, religion, or certain etensitas.
The preparation maclane of this paper aims to fulfill the duties of Mr. Lecturer, and also as an addition to insight besides preparation of this paper is also intended as an individual student assignments in MK. Community Nursing fourth semester.
Formulating UN: Migration as a population maclane resettlement maclane from one administrative maclane unit to another administrative unit. (United nations 1970.1). The concept of migration according to the United maclane Nations in line with the opinions lee (1966.5 A) which shall provide maclane the formulation of migration is a change of residence is permane.
Medium according to Gould and Prothero (1975.41) also emphasized the element of resettlement, but according to them even if someone has officially moved somewhere, but if there is an intention prior to returning to the place it should be regarded maclane as an original circular mobility, migration bkan. The concept of migration is used on the 1971 population census at the 1980 census. maclane Migration is the movement of a person melewatai provincial boundaries towards other provinces within 6 months.
In discussing migration akans always associated with the place / region, time and the outgoing and incoming. Within the scope of places ranging from the smallest administrative scope (RT / RW, village) to transfer between Negara.juga in terms of time. In connection with ha, l, then the migration bias can be divided into several types.
Is the number of migrants kke a destination from the place of origin or destination of the stricken region of origin.
P = mid-year population
The formula:
Basically the move will always be supported by a variety of reasons, reasons that are personal, environmental and other reasons. According maclane to Everett S. Lee (spell 1985:181) there are four factors to consider in migration studies.
There are two factors that are always there are areas of origin and destination pobud related to migration, namely posstif and negative factors are the factors that cause a person to leave the area.
When viewed from above, the driving force of urain homelands identic with negative factors owned asalanya area. And destination identic with the positive things that interest a person to perform the migration.

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