Monday, November 17, 2014

After the investment the company should expand its current 1,700 vacancies eurocash sa in the labor

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Rexam, metal packaging for beverage, has just joined the group of companies that will invest in expansion this year. Will invest approximately US $ 110 million in Brazil and Chile to diversify further its production.
In Brazil, the factories of Aguas Claras (RS), Landing Alegre (MG) and Brasilia (DF) will receive $ 21 million to adapt their facilities to produce special cans - different from soda 350ml, already produced in these plants.
The market eurocash sa for specialty cans - 250 ml, 269 ml, 473ml and 710 ml - has been growing in recent years at an accelerated eurocash sa pace, reaching double-digit growth annually, eurocash sa while the conventional cans has advanced on average 5.5% per year.
After the investment the company should expand its current 1,700 vacancies eurocash sa in the labor market in Brazil to allow the projection of production to South America, $ 15 billion of tin per year is achieved.

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